Steve Breen for January 02, 2024

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    Bendarling1  6 months ago
    If you take more than is replenished, you get a deficit. The cool thing is they purchase services and then fail to tax the profits on those services at the rate you are taxed for your labor. I might even be willing to support zero sum deals with companies like Raytheon and other armaments manufacturers, but not profit and no taxes.
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    kballweg Premium Member 6 months ago

    Psst, Steve… it’s a matter of public record that Republican Administrations are single biggest factor in the growth of the debt. Stop giving tax breaks to billionaires and the debt would magically shrink.

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    tpcox928  6 months ago

    You can go back and look at the history of the deficit in a linear fashion. Until 1981 it was minimal and under control, gradually paying off the debts incurred fighting WWII. Then the GOP started its fallacy of supply-side economics, which never worked because it was never supposed to work. What has happened since 1981 is the rich have gotten richer, the corporations are money-printing machines, the middle-class has been gutted, the poor have been repeatedly case aside (GOP believes is welfare for the rich and corporations), and the debt has exploded, more so in every GOP administration since 1981. As Yogi Berra said, “You could look it up.”

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    WaitingMan  6 months ago

    Both major parties have plans to deal with debt and deficit:

    Democratic Plan: Tax increases and slashed benefits for people living in luxury.

    Republican Plan: Tax increases and slashed benefits for people living in poverty. They make Republican Jesus very happy.

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