I think Immortality should be high on the list. Mr. Meenky seems to survive so much! Human’s have a thing against things that seem to last forever… they think it “un-natural”. It might be why we like seeing what is the next thing aimed at Mr. Meenky!
MS72 11 months ago
But putting the TP roll on wrong is deadly.
dallenboston 11 months ago
Mr MEENKY is a good sport!
Zebrastripes 11 months ago
Looks like Minnie has Mr. Meenky situated for a star studded trip.
Bada bing bada bang!
NRHAWK Premium Member 11 months ago
Minnie’s imagination for her toy Mr. Meenky definitely rivals that of Calvin’s for Hobbes.
I Mad Am I 11 months ago
Out of ALL the reasons to kill something…
I think Immortality should be high on the list. Mr. Meenky seems to survive so much! Human’s have a thing against things that seem to last forever… they think it “un-natural”. It might be why we like seeing what is the next thing aimed at Mr. Meenky!