I remember back in the ‘70s when the IRS went after a kid who was selling lemonade. I believe it was a test case. It was a big story. I thought it was ridiculous of our government to do such a thing. The kid wasn’t old enough to get a job yet old enough to have to file for income tax.
ellisaana Premium Member about 10 hours ago
That’s the way it goes…always picking on the little guy.
TStyle78 about 10 hours ago
He must sell a LOT of lemonade then.
Doug K about 6 hours ago
And how did the IRS (agent) come up with that exact figure?
Spacetech about 5 hours ago
Zebrastripes about 5 hours ago
Desperation… they work on commission….
oakie9531 about 4 hours ago
sorry, i threw my back out
ncorgbl about 4 hours ago
Must not have voted for tRump.
Frank Burns Eats Worms about 4 hours ago
The government is putting the squeeze on him.
Ontman about 3 hours ago
The next administration will be sure to follow through.
wildlandwaters about 2 hours ago
reminds me of the simplified 1040 tax form: Line 1- How much did you earn? Line 2- Send it in.
Printer about 1 hour ago
I remember back in the ‘70s when the IRS went after a kid who was selling lemonade. I believe it was a test case. It was a big story. I thought it was ridiculous of our government to do such a thing. The kid wasn’t old enough to get a job yet old enough to have to file for income tax.
cuzinron47 7 minutes ago
But he filed for a small business tax exemption.