Prickly City by Scott Stantis for February 15, 2024

  1. Unnamed
    The dude from FL  Premium Member 11 months ago

    The puppy is just scary!

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    Radish...   11 months ago

    The greedy Trump admin doubled the debt giving tax breaks to rich people like Trump.

    Reagan’s Trickle Down turned the middle class into the working poor.

    Eisenhower taxed the rich at 90% and built the USA’s freeway system.

    Today’s lawless Trump and Putin party support the enemies of the USA and dictators, and they are keeping the border open.

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  3. 1djojn
    RobinHood  11 months ago

    Hypocrisy, thy name is NRB.

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  4. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member 11 months ago

    Yes, Ronnie was a master at that, increasing the deficit significantly.

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  5. Lifi
    rossevrymn  11 months ago

    He’s just more of a right-wing populist. This country has flirted with populism since its inception. It’s just part of human nature. At times the populism has centered more in the Democratic Party, but populism started its long migration to the GOP with Barry Goldwater. Here’s a clue as to populism’s center, see where the majority of southern congresspeople are aligned……………………………………We can be serious about balancing our budget, when we are ready to address our expenses on the military.

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    Spacetech  11 months ago

    That is and was Brandon fool.

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  7. Ignatz
    Ignatz Premium Member 11 months ago

    Scott Stantis finds a nut.

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    William Robbins Premium Member 11 months ago

    Well, the robber barons wouldn’t hire Reagan in today’s environment. Folksy isn’t what the workers want to hear. They want a tough guy, so the make-believe billionaire is who they got today. Interesting development: With Putin endorsing Biden, does that accomplish his double-switch goal or do his fans on the right actually vote for Joe?

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  9. Dr who weeping angel  1
    Blaidd Drwg Premium Member 11 months ago

    But was Ronnie even smart enough to know what he did??

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  11 months ago

    Ronnie could handle Trump—-he had experience with chimpanzees

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    Walter Kocker  11 months ago

    Who will rid us of this meddlesome putz?

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  12. Curious cat
    Curiosity Premium Member 11 months ago

    Far too many of the people (mostly “republican”, at least in name) who call themselves Conc=servative, aren’t. Certainly not fiscally. They keep cutting income (taxes) while spe ding huge amounts on extra-budget items like the Iraq war. They aren’t even socail conservative. What they show themselves to be is socially regressive, They want to go back to a time when, mostly religion based, a large part of the population (slaves, wives, children) was considered to be property and anything that brought joy was a sin. I grew up in that culture, and it is totally sick.

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    William Robbins Premium Member 11 months ago

    Oh, I just got the side-eye… props to Stantis.

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    Abby B  Premium Member 10 months ago

    Reagan did many good things but his legacy has a gaping, yawning, overwhelming defect: he taught federal politicians and bureaucrats of all stripes that they need not tax the population to get the money they need to buy votes but they could borrow the money instead. The citizenry would go along with that a lot more easily. By the time the debt became unsustainable, whatever that might entail, those politicians who observed Reagan would be long since retired or expired.

    It worked but the population became addicted to the largesse without seemingly paying for it. Now each successive administration spends more and faster buying votes than its predecessors. The only difference among politicians any more is how fast each buys votes with money we do not have and on whom and on what they spend the money. No one knows how or when it will end because no one has ever been this much in debt. In the words of Pogo of long ago, “We have met the enemy and they are us!”

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