Advertising. Getting to be onerous. Try to watch a half hour show and get presented with the exact same commercial between 5 and 10 times. I don’t understand the reasoning. How could pi$$ing off the viewer by the endless and boring repetition serve to make them want to go buy your product? Makes me more determined than ever not to.
Hey, I just used some shaving cream after I’d wiped myself with some toilet paper and washed my hands with soft soap, then dried them on a paper towel. I then used some tooth paste. I had to have a coke before I xeroxed some files.
uniquename 12 months ago
Barney’s not wrong.
Jefano Premium Member 12 months ago
If your product name becomes generic, won’t people tend to think all brands are equivalent and interchangeable? As did happen with aspirin.
ChessPirate 12 months ago
“PillsBury! The Last Word in Euthanasia!”
(ಠ ͜ ಠ)
stamps 12 months ago
How about Obecalp? (It’s placebo spelled backwards).
bobbyferrel 12 months ago
Advertising. Getting to be onerous. Try to watch a half hour show and get presented with the exact same commercial between 5 and 10 times. I don’t understand the reasoning. How could pi$$ing off the viewer by the endless and boring repetition serve to make them want to go buy your product? Makes me more determined than ever not to.
Flatworm 12 months ago
Hey, I just used some shaving cream after I’d wiped myself with some toilet paper and washed my hands with soft soap, then dried them on a paper towel. I then used some tooth paste. I had to have a coke before I xeroxed some files.
It’s all very Mickey Mouse.