Bill Bramhall for February 14, 2024

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    old1953  5 months ago

    Yeah, but that only happens in fairly even districts.

    Everywhere else, crazy rules.

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    rs0204 Premium Member 5 months ago

    Democrat Tom Suozzi is heading back to Congress after soundly defeating a Republican in last night’s special election. The Democrat, Souzzi, captured a seat in a district that had gone Republican in the previous three elections. He did so by running AT the subject of immigration and challenging his Republican opponent on the topic. Across the country, Democrats are going to run at Republicans and point out that Republicans, not Democrats, torpedoed a Border Bill that was, in Senate Republican’s own words, more conservative than ANYTHING brought up in decades.

    Don’t shrink from the fight, Democrats. Embrace it. The Republicans are a paper tiger, and their DO-NOTHING Congress is going down in flames.

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  3. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  5 months ago

    People are fed up with lying contentious Putin loving republican frauds.

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  4. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  5 months ago

    House Republicans now say they ’shouldn’t have expelled Santos’:

    Republicans in the House of Representatives are now expressing regret about giving the boot to disgraced former Rep. George Santos (R-NY).

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  5. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  5 months ago

    ‘Without a plan’: Insiders say House Republicans have ’buyer’s remorse’ over Mike Johnson

    House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) tried to project confidence on Wednesday after his party suffered yet another stinging special election defeat, but members of his own party are already knifing him in interviews with Politico.

    Reporter calls out Mike Johnson’s effort to spin state of ‘unleadable’ GOP

    House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) did his best to put a happy spin on his party losing yet another special election on Tuesday, but Boston Globe Washington Bureau Chief Jackie Kucinich wasn’t buying it.

    Kucinich pointed to the nonstop chaos within the GOP conference as a reason why Republicans keep getting beaten in special elections throughout the country.

    “The reason that Mike Johnson is even standing there as the speaker is because of Republican infighting,” she said. “We’ve seen this throughout this entire Congress! They just can’t seem to get out of their own way.”

    She then pointed to tensions in the party between the House and the Senate GOP when it comes to a bipartisan border package that would have also funded foreign aid to Israel, Taiwan, and Ukraine.

    “Nothing else seems to be going right for Mike Johnson in terms of being able to lead this unleadable conference,” she said.

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  6. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  5 months ago

    ‘Not going to be forced into action’: Johnson says ‘now’ he will begin addressing border

    Speaker of the House Mike Johnson says “now” House Republicans will “begin in earnest” to address the U.S. southern border, after he and Donald Trump were central to killing bipartisan Senate legislation that did just that, while he warned that the House is “not going to be forced into action” by the U.S. Senate.

    How long will the Trump Putin House hold the USA budget hostage?

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    aristoclesplato9  5 months ago

    I’d expect him to fall in line and vote party first, before the people or the country. Do you really think all 213 Dems think Mayorkas is doing a great job and has not lied to Congress?

    Or are they doing what they are told to.

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    kennecwk  5 months ago

    There’s a phrase I’ve seen on T-Shirts :“Radical Centrist”. It seems like an oxymoron or should be anyway. There was a time when the legislature was not as extreme as it is now and people would work across the aisle more to do the people’s work. I think that is what is wanted by most people not caught up in some dogma.

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    Nantucket Premium Member 5 months ago

    aristoclesplato9’ false claim that Mayorkas is not doing a great job would not equate to “high crimes and misdemeanors” which is the grounds for impeachment.

    If you want that to be the criteria, then the majority of the Repubs in the House should be impeached, starting with Mike Johnson. They are blocking the BIPARTISAN bill that was to provide funding for greater border security.

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  10. Anarcho syndicalismvnnb   copy
    gigagrouch  5 months ago

    The only things found in the middle of the road are yellow stripes and roadkill.

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  11. Roohey
    roohey  4 months ago

    people are fed up with lying and hatred on both sides.

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    DEACON FRED  4 months ago

    And a chance to make the GOP sweat even more!!

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    aussie399 Premium Member about 2 months ago

    Who knows. Maybe if some more centralist, non radical, non lying, non criminal, non nasty, non idiot people stood the world might get somewhere

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