one of my early jobs, as a teen was walking up and down in front of a diner in a sandwich board. the message, both front and rear, EAT HERE OR WE WILL BOTH STARVE
Worked at a company that worked out this problem in the opposite way. Hired a whole bunch of salesmen, assuming that would multiply sales…
The salesmen were ineffective. Partly because they were poorly trained (did not understand our product), partly because our market was down, and partly because the company was paying bottom dollar so it was getting lackluster efforts. After a few months, our executives decided that we were bleeding money – so they laid off 80% of our engineering and technical staff to balance the books…
Our company product was engineering consulting services. That layoff not only decimated the staff capable of doing the work, but it also included 95% of the certifications and years of experience our engineering and technical staff had. They had cut the highest paid people, who also had the certifications and experience…
The company couldn’t complete existing contracts, and it couldn’t win new contracts. It closed its doors about a year later.
I ran into one of the those management “decision makers” about ten years later… he complained to me how the engineering and technical department had let them down…
oldpine52 11 months ago
The last couple of days raise speculation about Rita falling off of the wagon.
Gent 11 months ago
Not tell me that budget wents to upgrading her water bottle to wine bottle.
TStyle78 11 months ago
It’s short and to the point. I like it!
zerotvus 11 months ago
WHAT?? no kitten videos???
jcwrocks69 11 months ago
“But, I got a huge bonus.”
EmmettWayne 11 months ago
And on the back it says, “KICK ME!”
Kidon Ha-Shomer 11 months ago
one of my early jobs, as a teen was walking up and down in front of a diner in a sandwich board. the message, both front and rear, EAT HERE OR WE WILL BOTH STARVE
ferddo 11 months ago
Worked at a company that worked out this problem in the opposite way. Hired a whole bunch of salesmen, assuming that would multiply sales…
The salesmen were ineffective. Partly because they were poorly trained (did not understand our product), partly because our market was down, and partly because the company was paying bottom dollar so it was getting lackluster efforts. After a few months, our executives decided that we were bleeding money – so they laid off 80% of our engineering and technical staff to balance the books…
Our company product was engineering consulting services. That layoff not only decimated the staff capable of doing the work, but it also included 95% of the certifications and years of experience our engineering and technical staff had. They had cut the highest paid people, who also had the certifications and experience…
The company couldn’t complete existing contracts, and it couldn’t win new contracts. It closed its doors about a year later.
I ran into one of the those management “decision makers” about ten years later… he complained to me how the engineering and technical department had let them down…
Aladar30 Premium Member 11 months ago
Great idea!