The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for November 10, 2009

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    tedponko  over 15 years ago

    Funny how these re-runs seem all too appropriate now with a new president. More unintended consequences.

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    Nighthawks Premium Member over 15 years ago

    these re-runs remind us of the way it was… the tea-baggers weren’t around to paint hitler mustaches on bush or scream “we want our country back!” the ironic thing is, bush/cheany policies were farrrrr more closely aligned with nazi policies then obama’s:

    invading a country on false pretexts, stomping on the constitution, (homeland security, indeed) repressing dissent…..the list goes on

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    Potrzebie  over 15 years ago

    Come back Huey Freeman!

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  4. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member over 15 years ago

    Yes, Nighthawks, these re-runs DO remind us of the way it was, like when rioting Lefties carried signs of Bush W. with a Hitler mustache.

    It’s not that Bush’s OR Obama’s policies resemble Hitler’s since neither of them are genocidal psychopaths. Rather it’s that both of them held/hold more to the Mussolini fascist concept of the all-powerful State managing the economy (but with a pretense of private ownership just so as not to look Communist).

    As for invading countries on false pretenses, there were many valid reasons to invade Iraq, including showing Arab dictators we can do it. (Notice how Qaddafi suddenly started making nice?)

    It is unfortunate that Bush, being stupid himself, didn’t trust the American public to be able to judge a whole laundry list of reasons, so he focused on just one big one. Too bad it was the one where Saddam outfoxed us but good by getting rid of his WMDs when he knew an invasion was coming. (Don’t say he didn’t have WMDs; the Kurds know better.)

    Stomping on the Constitution? Both parties have been doing that for over a century. They just differ on which parts they don’t like. The Left does it to advance socialism, the Right does it to advance their religious views. Between the two of them, freedom loses.

    Suppressing dissent? We’ll have to see how far Obama’s FCC goes toward re-introducing the “Fairness” Doctrine.

    (Were you out the day they taught capital letters? Or are both your SHIFT keys broken?)

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    steven02345  over 15 years ago

    pschearer The constitution doesn’t guarantee you a capitalist (or in the case of the current state of Capitalism a Corporatist government) there’s no mention of how the economy is run from what little I know.

    Corporatism (yes that’s Ron Paul’s phrase which ironically describes perfectly what Michael Moore complains about in his rant against Capitalism)

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    avonsalis  over 15 years ago

    Let’s lighten up on pschearer. Even his own name doesn’t have any capital letters (unless his Shift keys were broken the day he registered here). And he simply missed the original point about the tea-baggers (if Bush were president now, he’d be vulnerable to heavy-duty right-wing assaults, just like the Republican nominee from far upstate New York who got torpedoed by right-wing dissidents, and had to drop out of last week’s election entirely). It’s all pretty incredible. Let’s give pschearer a chance to get up to speed on this stuff.

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    chazfourlife  over 15 years ago

    so true thats what i hear too omg were brothers

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    LOWRIDER84  over 15 years ago

    Poverty is not caused by racism, discrimination, or bad luck. People are poor because they are lazy, or stupid, or both.

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