one time when I worked for the railroad there was a old truck seat we used to sit on waiting for trains and one day I sat on it and could feel the seat squirming under me, so I got a club and started beating the seat , many rats ran out, I never sat on it again
As a kitten, my wonderful cat went through an annoying phase where she would bring me live mice. She thought I would have as much fun killing them as she did. Before I was able to convince her that I preferred my mice pre-deaded, I would find them in odd places.
One morning, I opened the medicine cabinet and noticed there was a mouse staring at me from the top of the cabinet. I nearly backed into the bathtub.
FreihEitner Premium Member 10 months ago
The last person to say that to me is somewhere on the couch. Under some pillows, I think.
xaingo 10 months ago
So which one will cover the other in pillows first?
a sage 10 months ago
Where there’s one mouse, there are more.
Doug K 10 months ago
Before that they can try hiding them behind and under the furniture or in a closet. How about sweeping things under the rug?
grocks 10 months ago
Oh. a nest for me! How lovely. You shouldn’t have, really.
belovedkija 10 months ago
one time when I worked for the railroad there was a old truck seat we used to sit on waiting for trains and one day I sat on it and could feel the seat squirming under me, so I got a club and started beating the seat , many rats ran out, I never sat on it again
locake 10 months ago
We’ve had 5 pet rats over the years. They are smart and funny and make wonderful pets. Much better than hamsters or guinea pigs.
oish 10 months ago
A pillory is more effective than a pillow-rat
mistercatworks 10 months ago
As a kitten, my wonderful cat went through an annoying phase where she would bring me live mice. She thought I would have as much fun killing them as she did. Before I was able to convince her that I preferred my mice pre-deaded, I would find them in odd places.
One morning, I opened the medicine cabinet and noticed there was a mouse staring at me from the top of the cabinet. I nearly backed into the bathtub.
mbrahms26 10 months ago
Smother the rat!