The Grizzwells by Bill Schorr for April 02, 2024

  1. Large blue morning
    Yakety Sax  11 months ago

    Math Is Your Friend, Part 16 NOT my story

    An adult male customer and his mother are shopping. They make a purchase, and as soon as the receipt is printed, the customer starts scrutinizing it.

    Customer: “You overcharged me!”

    Me: “We did? Can you please point to where on the receipt it reflects that?”

    Customer: “Right here! I was supposed to get 10% off of [item]!”

    Me: “You did. They came to $10.31, so $1.03 was removed.”

    Customer: “No! You’re wrong! You need to round up to $2!”

    Me: “That’s… that’s not how it works.”

    Customer: “In math, you always round!”

    Me: “If we were rounding mathematically, we’d be rounding down, not up.”

    Customer: “You overcharged me! Fix it!”

    At this point, the mother finally speaks up.

    Customer’s Mother: “Don’t worry about him and his math. The closest he’s come to using a calculator was when he used it to spell ‘BOOBIES’.”

    She then marched him outside, calling him an idiot. I’m glad someone said it!

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  2. Ironbde
    Carl  Premium Member 11 months ago

    He probably told her that she was off by 6 seconds. The teachers have a very keen sense of breaks from students.

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  3. Intraining
    InTraining Premium Member 11 months ago

    she Googled it…!

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  4. Missing large
    thight1944  11 months ago

    Back in my day, we didn’t have spring break, the only break we got is when it got too hot, whey opened the windows. We did have a fan, but we had to take turns using it, Our only recess was a fire drill. (grin)

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  5. Wolf
    Mediatech  11 months ago

    My first job out of college was working tech support for a major tech firm. (I won’t say which one, but it’s initials were AT&T.) The job was so tedious that I always kept a running score of the number of seconds left in my shift. I lasted nine months. Out of a training class of 20, I was the second last one to leave.

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