Mike Lester for March 25, 2024

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    Ontman  3 months ago

    His superpower is being able to turn the masses into suckers. Case in point, Mr. Lester.

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    thelordthygod666  3 months ago

    It’s not surprising. The timing of the NY case is political – they had a stronger case in 2014 and a far stronger case with actual damages in the late ‘90s; and the “inflating” he was doing was common knowledge. They’ve never gotten a guilty verdict for insurrection under the 12th amendment; and even under the 1790s acts he can claim he was misunderstood. His dimness in how he reacted to revealed govt secrets stolen did caused the Feds to prosecute, but, as noted, both Biden & Pence also kept records they shouldn’t have. Trump is guilty, but supporters believe he’s targeted. The best chance of putting Trump behind bars was Georgia, but the DAs shenanigans make it unlikely the case will hold up. Bottom line, if Trump had been ignored, instead of prosecuted, he might not of even won the GOP primaries.

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    brwydave Premium Member 3 months ago

    He seems to get stronger in the Republican primaries, but wait until the general election.

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    My First Premium Member 3 months ago

    Kelly Clarkson sang it. “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”. They’ve made him a political martyr, so even fair-minded democrats are saying they’ve gone too far.

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  5. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  3 months ago

    If Trump was a teacher of 2nd graders you would remove your child from his class.

    Why are so many right wingers total traitors to USA democracy?

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    s49nav  3 months ago

    SShhhh … Don’t anybody tell the Democrats!

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  7. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  3 months ago

    Joe Biden Leads Donald Trump in Eight Polls


    3 days ago — Joe Biden has a lead of between 1 percent and 3 percent over Donald Trump, according to three recent polls.

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    Johncom  3 months ago

    Leaving Trump’s guilt or innocence out of it, the whole lawfare assault by the Democrat Party has exposed them to the world as the true anti-democrats. The lasting damage they’ve done to this country’s political process far exceeds any of Trump’s legal problems.

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    MG  3 months ago

    Faster than a speeding flasher. More powerful than a pounding migraine. Able to leap ironclad logic with a single lie. Quicker than lye to rot MAGAitic brains. Ability to run a hand up a skirt in a wink. Single-handedly supporting legions of money grubbing lawyers and craven porn stars. More Christian than even Jesus and Mary. More mighty than Putin and Mussolini. More orange than a Satsuma with third degree sunburn. More highly coiffured than a champion New York Kennel Club Cockapoodle. With an ego larger than the Graf Zeppelin high above 1939 Berlin. Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s it’s… Oh the humanity!!!

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    Al Fresco  3 months ago

    Thank you Libs, keep it up until November. Your phony law suits have backfired. In all likelihood they will dismissed or reduced. The Orange Man is a victim of your schemes. You know all about victimhood. Your WOKE and DEI thinking is full these misguided notions. The American people are on to you and Chucky Cheese’s treat that “you will reap the whirlwind” is not on conservatives but in now on you.

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    Kracklin Rosie - “Tolo Dan Nan Galad” Premium Member 3 months ago

    Ahahah…The appellate court just reduced President Trump’s bond to $175 million and extend the pay deadline by ten days. This will be the fifth time that partisan, hack judge Engoron has been overruled setting a record. Here’s the question, when the entire case is overruled will NYC have pay interest on that $175 million? Tish made a big thing and posted every day the interest accruing on the unpaid amount of The original $454 million bond. How much money has this bogus trial already cost NY?

    As for Lester’s ‘toon, spot on and reflects what’s happening in the real world. Independents, and sometimes Democrats are seeing the abuse of power and how the left and the Democrat party are violating the Constitution on several different levels. What the democrats have done many times over is in direct violation of the Constitution and Bill of Rights and unprecedented in our history.

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  12. Chimp
    Lou Nattic, né Stan C  3 months ago

    He’s going down in flames, and the MAGAts are frantic. It’ll be great to witness it. Get your crying towels out, righties!

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    DrDon1  3 months ago

    Just mlester101 reinforcing the MAGAt NJs!

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    SrTechWriter  3 months ago

    My question is, what does he do when he can’t raise even the $175M, because he isn’t worth that much?

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    Breeana  3 months ago

    Up and down the ticket,for the sake of Democracy itself, VOTE BLUE. America Needs you to VOTE.

    Be a Citizen, not a bystander.
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    Breeana  3 months ago

    Let’s Make Stupidity Embarrassing Again.

    Now now people no need for insults. The only way to deal with this entire mess is to Elect Biden for a second term, prosecute the real Criminal, Twice impeached President who is also indicted 4 times facing 91 criminal charges, found liable for sexual assault and defamation and also liable for defrauding the state of New York. Did I leave anything out.

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    MC4802 Premium Member 3 months ago

    What lies? Statistics, polls and Trump.

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    Northgalus2002  3 months ago

    Well, we will see what happens in Mid April, when the NY Trial is set to begin and if Trump can pay the $175 Million or have to sell off Trump Tower or some of his other properties. He may be leading among GOP voters, but in the general election it’s independent swing voters who will have the final say so in November. Currently, the majority of registered voter in the US are registered as Independent as opposed to Democratic or Republican. Trump can still be convicted one way or the other, if he gets house arrest at Mar a Lago as opposed to Federal Prison, his oversized ego will likely keep him in the race. But the independent swing voters might not relish the thought of voting for a convicted felon. But maybe that’s just me.

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    ChristopherBurns  3 months ago

    I can’t help but notice that Trump fans like Mr. Lester don’t ever mention the actual merit of the charges against Mr. Trump.

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    ncorgbl  3 months ago

    tRump’s lead has vanished in the swing states of Minnesota, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

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    newyorkslim  3 months ago

    welcome back, Mike

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    Kurtass Premium Member 3 months ago

    His super power is grifting.

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    Rich Douglas  3 months ago

    The opposite appears to be happening.

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    SrTechWriter  3 months ago

    Meanwhile, back in reality:

    From Huffington Post dot COM, March 21, 2024:

    Headline: “Biden Campaign Lists Former Trump Officials Who’ve Turned Against Him And… Wow”

    Former Attorney General Bill Barr called Trump “a consummate narcissist” who “constantly engages in reckless conduct”.

    Dictators like Russia’s Vladimir Putin think Trump is “a laughing fool and they’re fully prepared to take advantage of him,” said former National Security Adviser John Bolton.

    Former Communications Director Alyssa Farah Griffin called Trump “unfit” for office again, a claim echoed by former White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham who said she was “terrified” of his 2024 campaign.

    Trump’s former Attorney General Bill Barr: “Trump is a consummate narcissist who constantly engages in reckless conduct. He will always put his own interests and gratifying his own ego ahead of everything else, including the country’s interest.”

    Nikki Haley, the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, warned Trump puts the American military in danger.

    Trump’s former Vice President Mike Pence refuses to endorse Trump.

    White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci’s condemns Trump as a “domestic terrorist”.

    Criticism also came from former Defense Secretary John Mattis, former National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster, former Joint Chiefs of Staff chair Mark Milley, former White House Chiefs of Staff Mick Mulvaney and John Kelly, former Secretaries of State Mike Pompeo and Rex Tillerson, former Navy Secretary Richard Spencer, former Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, and former Defense Secretary Mark Esper.

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  25. Twblob
    SrTechWriter  3 months ago

    Meanwhile, back in reality:

    From Huffington Post dot COM, March 21, 2024:

    Headline: “Biden Campaign Lists Former Trump Officials Who’ve Turned Against Him And… Wow”

    The people who know Trump best won’t support him.

    Why should you?

    Former Attorney General Bill Barr called Trump “a consummate narcissist” who “constantly engages in reckless conduct”.

    Dictators like Russia’s Vladimir Putin think Trump is “a laughing fool and they’re fully prepared to take advantage of him,” said former National Security Adviser John Bolton.

    Former Communications Director Alyssa Farah Griffin called Trump “unfit” for office again, a claim echoed by former White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham who said she was “terrified” of his 2024 campaign.

    Trump’s former Attorney General Bill Barr: “Trump is a consummate narcissist who constantly engages in reckless conduct. He will always put his own interests and gratifying his own ego ahead of everything else, including the country’s interest.”

    Nikki Haley, the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, warned Trump puts the American military in danger.

    Trump’s former Vice President Mike Pence refuses to endorse Trump.

    White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci’s condemns Trump as a “domestic terrorist”.

    Criticism also came from former Defense Secretary John Mattis, former National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster, former Joint Chiefs of Staff chair Mark Milley, former White House Chiefs of Staff Mick Mulvaney and John Kelly, former Secretaries of State Mike Pompeo and Rex Tillerson, former Navy Secretary Richard Spencer, former Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, and former Defense Secretary Mark Esper.

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