Shower thought from Yesterday’s Shower:What if there was a one-off spin-off of this comic strip called Buckles and the Last Doggie Snack? It’d be a post-apocalyptic adventure, featuring the dramatic effects of all doggie snacks being permanently discontinued worldwide.
The tectonic plates would shift in unworldly fashions, resulting in an earthquake that sends Paul and Jill’s house underground with Buckles home alone. Thankfully, he survives, but has to outwit the cruel underground system, which is crawling with low-life thugs who were responsible for the doggie snack discontinuation, and plot to overthrow the catnip industry.
After finding Arden and Lester along the way, Buckles finally finds the last doggie snack. However, in doing so, the main villain of the story, Scrappy, gives him the choice between saving the last doggie snack and saving Paul and Jill. The couple had searched for their lost pooch for weeks, only to be captured by Scrappy, who knew well he’d be looking for them as well as the last doggie snack.
Given the two options, Buckles takes the doggie snack. He doesn’t eat it, but uses it to foil Scrappy’s other maliciously-intended plans, saves Paul and Jill, and returns to the surface world. Crowds cheer the five protagonists, and Buckles, being front-and-center, waves and smiles. In the end, however, it’s all a dream, a product of Buckles falling into a doggie-snack coma after eating an entire box of them.
dadthedawg Premium Member 9 months ago
Buckles, you can be the star of the circus…..
Joseph comicinthestrip 9 months ago
Shower thought from Yesterday’s Shower: What if there was a one-off spin-off of this comic strip called Buckles and the Last Doggie Snack? It’d be a post-apocalyptic adventure, featuring the dramatic effects of all doggie snacks being permanently discontinued worldwide.
The tectonic plates would shift in unworldly fashions, resulting in an earthquake that sends Paul and Jill’s house underground with Buckles home alone. Thankfully, he survives, but has to outwit the cruel underground system, which is crawling with low-life thugs who were responsible for the doggie snack discontinuation, and plot to overthrow the catnip industry.
After finding Arden and Lester along the way, Buckles finally finds the last doggie snack. However, in doing so, the main villain of the story, Scrappy, gives him the choice between saving the last doggie snack and saving Paul and Jill. The couple had searched for their lost pooch for weeks, only to be captured by Scrappy, who knew well he’d be looking for them as well as the last doggie snack.
Given the two options, Buckles takes the doggie snack. He doesn’t eat it, but uses it to foil Scrappy’s other maliciously-intended plans, saves Paul and Jill, and returns to the surface world. Crowds cheer the five protagonists, and Buckles, being front-and-center, waves and smiles. In the end, however, it’s all a dream, a product of Buckles falling into a doggie-snack coma after eating an entire box of them.
So! Thoughts?
Sue Ellen 9 months ago
Discipline training is work! Dogs need a chance to play, too!
fuzzbucket Premium Member 9 months ago
Show me how, Paul.
iggyman 9 months ago
I think you are asking a little too much Paul!
saylorgirl 9 months ago
Buckles not a show dog Paul. Just play with him and you’ll bith have fun.
Blu Bunny 9 months ago
I’m already at my best, Paul!
ChessPirate 9 months ago
“I’m funny how? I mean, funny like I’m a clown? I amuse you? I make you laugh?”
CaveCat87 9 months ago
Hypocritical much, Paul?
Kidon Ha-Shomer 9 months ago
seems as if we need ORK, the seal of approval, for these tricks.
MichaelD Premium Member 9 months ago
In the immortal words of Pesto Pigeon (Animaniacs!) "What am I, some sort of entertainment to you? Do I amuse you..?!
tammyspeakslife Premium Member 9 months ago
The sarcasm is strong with this one! LOL (❁´◡`❁)
bwswolf 9 months ago
Paul …… You do it first …….. so Buckles can see what you want done …………. ;)
wildlandwaters 9 months ago
okay…you first, so I can get the picture…