From Not Always Right: To Censor Or Not To Censor: The Editors’ Dilemma
Our English Setter has had surgery to repair an ACL injury. She chews on her stitches and manages to pop one. We load her in the car to make the 45-minute drive to the vet, calling ahead to make sure they know we’re coming, as we know we’ll be pushing closing time for them.
We get there a few minutes before close and our vet comes into the waiting room to greet us. He picks up our girl and proclaims dramatically, “What did you do that for, you b****?!”
Yakety Sax 8 months ago
From Not Always Right: To Censor Or Not To Censor: The Editors’ Dilemma
Our English Setter has had surgery to repair an ACL injury. She chews on her stitches and manages to pop one. We load her in the car to make the 45-minute drive to the vet, calling ahead to make sure they know we’re coming, as we know we’ll be pushing closing time for them.
We get there a few minutes before close and our vet comes into the waiting room to greet us. He picks up our girl and proclaims dramatically, “What did you do that for, you b****?!”
His vet tech (and we) totally lost it.
And he replaced the stitches with staples for us!
pschearer Premium Member 8 months ago
Is this purely a fourth-wall-breaking comics-editor joke or does it include a reference to today’s eclipse?
ddjg 8 months ago
My memory might be correct that Ms. Lago used to stand up whenever Charles Schulz called her on the telephone . .
uniquename 8 months ago
I would think the Weingartens & Clark are more important. Someone has to write the jokes that get censored.
CoffeeBob Premium Member 8 months ago
Well she’s certainly better than a AI censor on a certain comic website I could mention.
Thomas R. Williams 8 months ago
“Amy Lago is VP of Licensing & Syndication at Counterpoint Media.” —comicseditor