Who really cares?, people who go into public service are under the microscope and being POTUS forces you to be thrown in front of millions of eyeballs; scrutinized by the world… reported on every minute, judged by lovers and haters alike… yikes, who’d want that job?? Who has the ability, the thick skin or the energy to do this job?
Judge with facts and not opinions and hearsay…And please don’t google your feelings or regurgitate some tired old line written by a frustrated TV reporter read off a teleprompter and make believe you’re clever or original—-
Doing the job effectively and accomplishing much requires a special ability —-many try and most just don’t have it.
hmmm…so what is the difference between a “self-absorbed” private sector guy and the “self-absorbed” public sector guy…well for one thing who makes the laws by which all others must live except the the public sector guy…
Sure is shame that we got rid of Mental Health hospitals so long ago! There are enough Delusional and Mal-adjusted individuals in these strip comments sections to fill a very large one.
What do 6ou want? A ratbag who, history denying lefties obliviots notwithstanding, has done 5he job successfully until COVID hit, or a “nice old guy” who, backed by his irrational followers, has every chance and more of destroying your country?
GROG Premium Member 7 months ago
It’s all about him.
nosirrom 7 months ago
Took them long enough. Some of us have known that for decades.
Oh Really? 7 months ago
Who really cares?, people who go into public service are under the microscope and being POTUS forces you to be thrown in front of millions of eyeballs; scrutinized by the world… reported on every minute, judged by lovers and haters alike… yikes, who’d want that job?? Who has the ability, the thick skin or the energy to do this job?
Judge with facts and not opinions and hearsay…And please don’t google your feelings or regurgitate some tired old line written by a frustrated TV reporter read off a teleprompter and make believe you’re clever or original—-
Doing the job effectively and accomplishing much requires a special ability —-many try and most just don’t have it.
julie.mason1 Premium Member 7 months ago
^^Real Americans care.
chaosed2 7 months ago
Which would you rather have – mean tweets or double digit inflation?
Ontman 7 months ago
Still belongs in the political section.
Will E. Makeit Premium Member 7 months ago
hmmm…so what is the difference between a “self-absorbed” private sector guy and the “self-absorbed” public sector guy…well for one thing who makes the laws by which all others must live except the the public sector guy…
dpatrickryan Premium Member 7 months ago
Clinically sociopathic is the correct term, I think.
lawguy05 7 months ago
At least he knows what day it is.
Ulrig 7 months ago
Sure is shame that we got rid of Mental Health hospitals so long ago! There are enough Delusional and Mal-adjusted individuals in these strip comments sections to fill a very large one.
gopher gofer 7 months ago
“megalomaniacal” would be more accurate…
olds_cool63 7 months ago
He’s an f’n’ LOSER!
aussie399 Premium Member 5 months ago
What do 6ou want? A ratbag who, history denying lefties obliviots notwithstanding, has done 5he job successfully until COVID hit, or a “nice old guy” who, backed by his irrational followers, has every chance and more of destroying your country?