Texts From Mittens by Angie Bailey for May 19, 2024

  1. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member 10 months ago

    Mitty, since you ate already, you’re ex-fed.

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  2. Breaking cat news library tote
    cat19632001  10 months ago

    Good one, Mittens. And also correct.

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  3. Red bird 20250227 221142 0000
    Red Bird  10 months ago

    Can’t argue with that logic. The Mittens must be fed!

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  4. Rose 1
    Zoomer&Yeti Premium Member 10 months ago

    Ha Ha Ha.

    You are “Absolutely, positively” correct, Mittens!

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    SusieB  10 months ago

    Good point Mittens

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    Queen of America Premium Member 10 months ago

    Last year I ordered 3 big bags of cat food to be delivered to my friend who feeds the ferals around her house. When I got the notification that it had been delivered I called her. Nope, it was not there. I contacted UPS. They sent me a picture of the box on A front porch. It wasn’t HER front porch so I had her send me a picture of that and I sent it to UPS. I said they needed to find the driver and get the box back. Never heard from them. In the meantime, I called Chewy and told them what happened and ordered three more bags. They were very nice and didn’t charge me. Two days later, my friend found the original box of food next to her garage when she got home late that night.In 2009 (the year I had my knees replaced) I ordered a nice selection of breakfast items to be delivered to my surgeons’ office for his staff. They didn’t get it. I called UPS. They sent me the address where they delivered it. I sent them the address of the doctors’ office. It wasn’t even close. They refused to track it down. And, the office that got the delivery didn’t even have the courtesy of notifying me OR the surgeons’ office that they got my delivery.The same thing happened with some Christmas flowers I ordered for my PTs’ office that same year. That one REALLY angered me because it was local.I ordered a special container for the flowers. When I went to florist to find out what happened, I was told ’ Sorry. It went to the big hospital in St George and not the little local office’. Oh, and we don’t have that container because it was a special order." I was livid.

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    ladykat Premium Member 10 months ago

    You’ll get your new food eventually, Mittens.

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