David , has made the best expressions on Paul and the precious Buckles today : ) Buckles in the first panel and then Paul in the second panel : ) Great job . : )
Mine knows when her treats are due, and she still has to sit and lie down for them. They like to know what their schedule is, it gives them a sense of security and happiness. Of course, an additional random treat makes them pretty happy, too. Unless a person in the hospital laments that they have no treats for my dog (and I will give them one to feed her), she knows her treats will come when we take our break. She also knows they are in my left pocket, and never tries to get to them. I didn’t have her for her first 6 years, but I would guess she was much like Buckles.
dadthedawg Premium Member 8 months ago
The incentive finally kicks in…..
Mediatech 8 months ago
His kryptonite
iggyman 8 months ago
A little change of attitude there, Buckles! Suck up!
C 8 months ago
Bacon, bacon. Where’s the bacon? I smell bacon. Bacon, bacon, there’s only one thing that smells like bacon, that’s bacon
cmerb 8 months ago
David , has made the best expressions on Paul and the precious Buckles today : ) Buckles in the first panel and then Paul in the second panel : ) Great job . : )
Just-me 8 months ago
There’s a price for everything.
ChessPirate 8 months ago
I swear I can actually see a light-bulb over his head in Panel 3 (CFL, LED, or Incandescent). ☺
Moonkey Premium Member 8 months ago
Mine knows when her treats are due, and she still has to sit and lie down for them. They like to know what their schedule is, it gives them a sense of security and happiness. Of course, an additional random treat makes them pretty happy, too. Unless a person in the hospital laments that they have no treats for my dog (and I will give them one to feed her), she knows her treats will come when we take our break. She also knows they are in my left pocket, and never tries to get to them. I didn’t have her for her first 6 years, but I would guess she was much like Buckles.