Ben by Daniel Shelton for June 27, 2024

  1. Fasseddie
    FassEddie  8 months ago

    Hey Pup! Let’s not tempt fate, shall we?

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  2. Stinker
    cuzinron47  8 months ago

    I see Max likes to live on the edge, but Ben does provide a lot of shade.

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    Smeagol  8 months ago

    Retired means the same thing.

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    suelou  8 months ago

    I think the opposite is true…It’s when I disagree with someone that I stop talking… there is no one ever whose mind has been changed about anything I say, so why start an argument that has no ending?

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  5. Mountain lynx
    Shikamoo Premium Member 8 months ago

    Max is brave to lie under Ben.

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    mafastore  7 months ago

    I have always found, since being an adult, that summers were busier than the rest of the rest of year. Husband grew up in a family which took a summer vacation every year. Until Covid started we had to do same. My family took maybe 4 weekend trips at most in my life.

    Everything we needs to be done while we are away has to be done before we leave including guessing how much we need to pay for bills not yet received and doing so with cover letters. Then one has to pack – in my case I don’t have a lot of clothes so I am bringing all of my warm weather clothes with me. Had to pack the car/now pack the small RV. When stayed at hotels had to then schlep everything into the hotel and then back to the car and onto the next stop repeat. Since we had bedbugs (if you want something exhausting and expensive – bedbugs are for you) we travel in the tiny RV mentioned. So RV has to be packed and the bed (really it has to be) assembled and made up before we travel – load the clothes into laundry bag at home, unload clothes from laundry bag onto the 4 small shelves – total – we have for clothing for both of us for the trip.)

    Much easier to stay home and live the same as the rest of the year, but he needs a vacation from sitting around at home to go and run ourselves ragged going to the same places we went to last year – or a few months before.

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