Lola by Todd Clark for July 06, 2024

  1. Pa231400
    Yakety Sax  7 months ago

    I need to remember this!

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  2. Purplepeopleeater small
    Purple People Eater  7 months ago

    This will be the third presidential elections in a row that make me think “Out of over 300 million people, these are the best two Americans could come up with?”

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    ladykat Premium Member 7 months ago

    Good answer!

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  4. Red skelton
    Daltongang Premium Member 7 months ago

    Ah yes, remember folks, without politicians there would be hundreds of comedians and comic creators out of work.

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    Strawberry King  7 months ago


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    mistercatworks  7 months ago

    Often they will say, “Let’s lie to this guy and see if he gets it.”

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  7. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member 7 months ago
    Biden is 81-year-old, but in good shape, not overweight, rides bicycles and runs, and has decades of experience in domestic and international affairs, empathetic, compassionate, competent, despite a razor-thin majority cobbled together bipartisan majorities to enact infrastructure (his predecessor had “infrastructure” weeks but never passed anything), end the pandemic that his predecessor allowed to get out of control, restore relations with NATO and other allies that his predecessor had decimated and restore economic stability, open up a bottlenecked supply chain his predecessor had destroyed and reduce inflation that had exploded out of control, and reverse the record unemployment he inherited to record lows while adding more new jobs than any previous president. Stable administration with little turnover.

    The Republicans will probably choose a 78-year-old, obese, cholesterol-laden old man who can barely hobble down a ramp aided by military escorts, with multiple state and federal felony indictments, who wants to be a dictator, is corrupt on multiple levels. Promised to eliminate the national debt; instead blew up the budget with record deficits and record increases in the national debt. Promised better health care and full prescription drug coverage for less; delivered neither. Promised to build a wall and force Mexico to pay for it. Promised he would be too busy to take any time off; record vacations and golf days. Promised he would release his tax returns and then refused even under subpoena. Promised to reduce trade deficit with China; left it at record highs. Staff was continuously being fired or quitting and many of them are now witnesses against him. And, that was all while he was in office. It doesn’t even consider the laws he broke trying to stay in a job from which we fired him. Yeah, real hard decision.

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    Otis Rufus Driftwood  7 months ago

    Like Thomas Jefferson, Lola weeps for her country remembering God is just.

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    waltermgm  7 months ago

    Why do we get 50 choices for Miss America, but only 2 for President?

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    kershawfamily  7 months ago

    I like the idea of exit polls. They should ask us now who should exit the race. ( hint… it’s both of them)

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