Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons by Al Goodwyn for June 15, 2024

  1. 9dmn
    GOGOPOWERANGERS  14 days ago

    Oh no

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    think it through  14 days ago

    Trump’s worse nightmare is Biden getting his second term to finish fixing everything that trump ‘’takes no reasonability for’’.

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    aristoclesplato9  14 days ago

    Who has not seen Biden act just like the ‘toon depicts. And no one would be surprised if he did the same thing on the debate stage. As for the drug tests before the debate, you know Biden’s handlers would never agree to that.

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  4. Rays
    TampaFanatic1  14 days ago

    As a Green Party member I have to say that endorsements from some of the Hollywood 1%er elites does not seem all that endearing to me. Sure, props from level headed, honorable guys like Rob Reiner, Mark Ruffalo and Michael Moore are helpful but some of the characters who rant on MSM probably are counter productive to any campaign for progressives. However, there is the rub, Biden is more than a bit right of center to progressives and is a friend of Wall Street, the banks and a good proportion of 1%ers who are not alt right. Is he a better choice than a repubba? Absolutely, but then again, the D student is better in most aspects than the flunkie…….

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  5. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member 14 days ago

    Because to Al, rants about sharks and electrocution and windmills causing cancer, etc. etc. by Felon45 actually make sense.

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  6. Animals being weird
    wildthing  14 days ago

    As expected, the video of Biden wandering off and being led by the hand back was cropped to exclude the fact that Joe was talking to a soldier kneeling on the ground rolling up a parachute. They’ll use anything to make Joe look senile while Donald advertises his ignorance daily.

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    DC Swamp  14 days ago

    George Clooney & Julia Roberts? The 1990’s are calling, they want Slick Willie back in the DC Swamp!

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    The Nodding Head  14 days ago

    Meanwhile, Biden rises in the polls because amid the incessant crapping you see here from Goodwyn and his fellow MAGAs, Republicans only offer a demented megalomaniac who has been convicted and faces further charges of sexual assault, fraud, and election tampering. “Smart”

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    Ontman  14 days ago

    god forbid, Goodwyn you should ever get old to the point where you forget anything. Your MAGA god fumbles words far more than Mr. Biden.

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    rs0204 Premium Member 14 days ago

    Ignoring trolls, mediocre cartoonists, and doctored videos, everyone will have the opportunity to view President Biden and his convicted felon opponent one-on-one on June 27th.

    Faux News, Sinclair, and the rest of right-wing propaganda will not be able to edit the record. We will see how well President Biden and the convicted felon Trump perform.

    I still think Trump will bow out of the debate at the last minute. Of course, his handlers will say he’s sick or make up some lie about Trump skipping the debate, but the reality is that Trump has Alzheimer’s, just like his father and brother did before him, and his performance would be disastrous to his campaign.

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  11. Sunimage
    Sun  14 days ago

    Joe Biden is an embarrassment.

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    ComicLover2 Premium Member 14 days ago

    T-rump is the one with the sognitive decline and word salad speech. The orange messiah is totally messed up mentally, and so the M A G A dolts just project it all on B-iden.

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  13. Pilgrim
    Newenglandah  14 days ago

    Listen to Felon XXXIV’s “shark” speech and then decide which candidate sounds confused.

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  14. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  14 days ago

    “Brave Sir Robin” Trump Says He Will Throw First Debate To Help Biden Out. Not Making This Up!

    In other words, crazy unintelligent Trump knows he will lose against Biden, he is just lying to his republican fools that he is doing it on purpose.

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    DrDon1  14 days ago

    Goodwyn = Shoddy political ‘hack!’

    [ Just keep repeating same LIES! ]

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    Prescott_Philosopher   14 days ago

    I can only envision two types of people who support Biden for another term of presidency. One: Those who practice tribal politics. Two: Those who hate America and want it to fail.

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    Al Fresco  14 days ago

    A big deal was made about Biden wandering off at the G-7 only to be brought back into the fold by the Italian PM. I’ve seen it many times. He was shuffling over to congratulate the other IT skydivers and gave them a thumbs up. He was needed back with the group for a photo op. The criticism is unwarranted.

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    Al Fresco  14 days ago

    Funny ‘toon and nice play off the line from Jaws needing “a bigger boat.”

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    piper_gilbert  14 days ago

    The MAGAS keep trying to promote this narrative while their Orange Stain Skidmark sounds more and more like a raving lunatic everyday.

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    Rich Douglas  14 days ago

    Just another lie.

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    lsnrchrd.1 Premium Member 14 days ago

    Sometimes it does appear to some people that President Biden isn’t fully present in the moment.

    This, however, is not particularly unusual behavior for members of society whose occupations present extremely difficult mental challenges requiring intense concentration for resolution.

    Each time Mr. Biden appears to be “out there” somewhere, within days a bribe from a foreign government finds its way into one of his many bank accounts and / or the Republicans are stimulated to do things particularly egregiously nonsensical as a result of falling for enormously sophisticated traps the President devises for them.

    This is enormously entertaining for the majority of humans on the planet who are not dangerously credulous conservative idjuts. I won’t name any names, but the initials of three of ‘em are Amphibian A$$ in a Swamp, Prescott Pees Here Regularly, and Al Smells the Opposite of Fresh.

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    ncorgbl  14 days ago

    That is a full load of baloney. It’s all that the right wing-nuts got, lying. tRump is the one who has shown many signs of dementia, more so of late.

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    librarylady59  14 days ago

    Make all the fun you want about President Biden. He’s not the felon. He hasn’t lied over 30,000 times during his presidency. He doesn’t have to pay millions to a woman he abused and then defamed – twice which added 80+M to her payment (talk about someone who doesn’t learn or have any control over himself). He never ran a fake university. He never took money from his – or anyone else’s – foundation thus losing the foundation and not allowed to run one for a long time if ever. He never went bankrupt six times – one of them a casino! He doesn’t have a boatload of felons as “friends”… which he won’t be able to hang out with now. He doesn’t have a son-inn-law who received $2B from Saudi Arabia (from MSB who had an American journalist murdered) after his “daddy” left office. Make fun of Biden all you want. Your guy isn’t the least bit humorous even when he tries.

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  24. Rabbit hat
    s49nav  14 days ago

    Biden is world-famous now for his dementia, which can’t even be ignored by the European press members of the G7 who usually fawn all over him.

    “El mandatario de EEUU se ha alejado del grupo visiblemente desorientado durante una demostracion de paracaidismo. La presedenta italiana ha acudido en su ayuda para que volviera con el resto de lideres.”

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    truthsocialol  14 days ago

    Under the Biden administration, this country has record low unemployment, and the strongest economy in the world.

    When trump left office there were fewer jobs in this country than when he entered office.

    donald trump was completely lucid when he cheated on his third wife, raped E. Jean Carroll, gave 2.3 trillion dollars in tax breaks to the one percenters, called dead soldiers suckers and losers, and watched his magat cult members break into the US Capitol to kill the Vice President of the United States.

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    truthsocialol  13 days ago

    80 CEOs who met privately with trump said they walked away unimpressed by the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.

    trump said if he’s elected taxes are going to be cut an additional 20 percent, and business regulations will be curtailed.

    The additional tax cuts will cost as much as $4.6 trillion.

    They walked out of the room less predisposed to him.

    They said that he was remarkably meandering, could not keep a straight thought, was all over the map.

    Executives who heard trump’s pitch say many of his ideas lacked detail.

    One CEO left the meeting saying trump “doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”

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    truthsocialol  13 days ago

    trump forgot the name of ron jackson, who gave him the mental competency test. Twice.

    trump said:

    “I took a cognitive test and I aced it. doc Ronny. doc ronny johnson. Does everyone know ronny johnson, congressman from texas?

    No, dullard, because “doc ronny johnson, congressman from texas”, doesn’t exist, you addle-brained pig.

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    djtenltd  13 days ago

    Nice drawing of George!

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member 12 days ago

    Yep, Hollywood get what it deserves…a wanderer!!

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