Views of the World by Cartoon Movement-US for June 21, 2024

  1. Img 0536
    akachman Premium Member 12 days ago

    Putin is invited to have sex with himself. Lying sack of monkey poop.

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  2. Img 1754  2
    GiantShetlandPony  12 days ago

    The only acceptable peace offer from Russia is to withdraw from all of Ukraine territory, including Crimea and fire Putin the Putz.

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  3. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member 12 days ago

    Trump’s first impeachment was because he was holding aid to Ukraine hostage until Zelensky provided some dirt on Biden.Zelensky still has not provided any of the imaginary dirt on Biden that the MAGATs, demand so Trump has done all he could to prevent their getting any aid.

    Of course, they will try to hem and haw and spin and obfuscate and make up all kinds of other excuses for stabbing an ally in the back, but it is all about doing the bidding of Trump and Trump is following his besty Putin.

    The once-respected Republican Party of the 1950’s all the way up until 2015 — when they were merely greedy in their aggressive efforts to REDISTRIBUTE wealth from the working people who produce it to the few richest elites who own and control the productive resources but were not traitors aiding and abetting our adversaries — was deeply opposed to Russian aggression.

    Today’s Republican Party, which has become nothing more than the MAGAT cult, hates Zelensky because, unlike the Republicans, Zelensky has enough character and fortitude to refuse to surrender to Russian domination the way they did.Chamberlain will go down in history as a traitor, or at least a weak kneed moron. But we haven’t learned from his mistakes.

    If you think standing with our allies is expensive, wait until you see the cost of abandoning them.

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  4. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  12 days ago

    Trump, Putin and Kim want to rock your world.

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  5. Download
    Walter Kocker Premium Member 12 days ago

    North Korea is sending aloft balloons filled with North Korean garbage over South Korea.

    For me: “North Korean Garbage” is redundant.

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