So ladylike, she
But no pearls…
She should teach Wanda how to whistle so Zoe knows to come home.
When did a “dog whistle” turn into something humans can hear?
When I was a kid I broke the tip off on of my front teeth and for a long time could whistle shrill and loud. Then when I got it replaced I’ve not been able to do it anymore.
C 7 months ago
So ladylike, she
Serial Pedant 7 months ago
But no pearls…
Marcia Gibson Premium Member 7 months ago
She should teach Wanda how to whistle so Zoe knows to come home.
suelou 7 months ago
When did a “dog whistle” turn into something humans can hear?
Sir Isaac 7 months ago
When I was a kid I broke the tip off on of my front teeth and for a long time could whistle shrill and loud. Then when I got it replaced I’ve not been able to do it anymore.