It seems Mamet has found his niche with the Gen—Z crowd. (I can hear them now…, “Ok Boomer. Time for your nap.”)
Cobb is a lot less cynical than I am. I knew that would work as soon as Mamet said it.
First exposure to the term “sadfishing”. I literally LOL’d.
Jeff0811 8 months ago
It seems Mamet has found his niche with the Gen—Z crowd. (I can hear them now…, “Ok Boomer. Time for your nap.”)
Twelve Badgers in a Suit Premium Member 8 months ago
Cobb is a lot less cynical than I am. I knew that would work as soon as Mamet said it.
OldDesertLizard Premium Member 8 months ago
First exposure to the term “sadfishing”. I literally LOL’d.