If your priority is on the really urgent problems in the short stack, the less important ones do pile up and either get important or get forgotten. Worked for me with great success. The trick is knowing what is really urgent.
I survived 3 major staff reductions in 31 years. Every time, the people who complained heavily about their work were suddenly energized and in love with their workload. They were often missing on Monday morning. Adios amigo!
The Reader Premium Member 5 months ago
It’s all in the labelling.
Pickled Pete 5 months ago
Tomorrow we do tall, taller, and tallest…
Sun 5 months ago
Why worry about the tall stack today when it can always be dealt with the following day.
purepaul Premium Member 5 months ago
If your priority is on the really urgent problems in the short stack, the less important ones do pile up and either get important or get forgotten. Worked for me with great success. The trick is knowing what is really urgent.
Doug K 5 months ago
Does it really matter which box anything is in?
It doesn’t appear as if he’s working on (or even planning on working on) anything in any of the boxes.
uniquename 5 months ago
These days, it’s the 3000 email messages in your inbox instead.
PlatudimusAtom Premium Member 5 months ago
He has a lot of tall orders to fill.
Norris66 5 months ago
A little breeze an open window will reduce the tall pile nicely.
purepaul Premium Member 5 months ago
I survived 3 major staff reductions in 31 years. Every time, the people who complained heavily about their work were suddenly energized and in love with their workload. They were often missing on Monday morning. Adios amigo!