La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for September 01, 2024

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    kingdiamond69  7 months ago

    Immigrants make this country function just like the unions without the migrant workers produce prices will skyrocket.

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  2. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  7 months ago

    Only three things will cost more without migrant workers: food, clothing, and shelter. Doesn’t matter what racists say—objective reality scorns them. And if Traitor Trump hadn’t told his cultists to reject the comprehensive immigration bill written by conservatives because he was afraid to let Biden appear to win, we would be better off today.

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    olds_cool63  7 months ago

    Viva Cesar Chavez!

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    LawrenceS  7 months ago


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    gozirra2 Premium Member 7 months ago

    Reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw years ago. ‘Never complain about farmers with your mouth full’.

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  6. Yin yang
    Havel  7 months ago

    Indeed. Would as many Americans kvetch about how bad they have it if they had even a basic understanding of how good they have it compared to most?

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    akachman Premium Member 7 months ago


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    SofaKing Premium Member 7 months ago

    A neighbor recently had a new roof installed. It was 100 degrees, high humidity, it was a big job, and the crew of brown guys worked their butts off for 14 hours ripping off the old shingles, replacing most of the wood, and installing the new roof. Then they cleaned everything up, ran magnets through the lawn to pick up stray nails, and tidying up things that clearly could have waited until the next day. They barely took water breaks, maybe 20 minutes for lunch. And these are the guys Trump cultists want out of “their” country?

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    Walter Kocker  7 months ago

    Imagine a rally being addressed by a speaker that has ranted on and on and brought the crowd to a frenzy by asking:

    “WHO is responsible for all of our problems?”

    A voice from the crowd yells:

    “The bicycle riders and the migrants!”

    The speaker, astonished, asks:

    “Why the bicycle riders?”

    The voice responds:

    “Why the migrants?”


    (a dank to Leo Rosten)

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    Richard S Russell Premium Member 7 months ago

    Disaster Pumpkin’s ads refer to Kamala Harris as the Biden administration’s “border czar”, but she never was. Her remit was to work with countries south of Mexico to get them to stop sending so many of their residents northward. But that was an uphill battle for almost anyone, due to the miserable conditions in those countries created in no small part by America’s idiotic War on Drug-Using Americans, which annually supplies the coca and marijuana cartels in those countries with billions of dollars, leading to turf wars, gangs, official corruption, and heavy-handed governments. No wonder anyone with a gram of gumption wants to get the hell out of there.

    Sadly, while neither the Democrats nor the Republicans have been able to do anything at all about immigration — whether legal or illegal — for the entire 21st Century, they’ve both been wringing their hands over mere symptoms while remaining absolutely stone blind to the underlying causes.

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  11. Kyon facepalm
    davidob  7 months ago

    Mil/meal gracias.

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