There’s one you should break, Ben! But here in Canada we can’t practice that bad habit because our milk doesn’t come in cartons or jugs but bags. You put the bag in this plastic pitcher like container and snip off the corner. You have to pour it into a glass so you can’t drink it from the carton!
They are indeed. My life revolved around school and the school year for 56years and I’m still not over some of the habits I acquired in that time. (my nightmares mostly involve teaching classes I haven’t prepared for.)
When I was 8 years old I first started helping my dad during tax season. He had this brand new thing called a copying machine. The original was put into the top slot along with the special paper needed for the copy and it took a picture, using green light, of the document – copy paper came out still white. The copy paper was then put into the bottom slot and the copy went through the developing chemical. It came out wet and my job was to hang up each page to dry!
When I was 10 I started adding up client’s payroll books for day on an adding machine.
I am now in my 70s and I still work – EXTREMELY part time – in accounting. One of my clients is the daughter of the man who owned that business whose payroll I first started adding up those decades ago.
As long as I can do so, I will remain an accountant – it was part of my dad and it is part of me. I was actually disappointed today when bank statements for us and the two organizations I serve as treasurer came in and I did not have chance to do the reconciliations. As Scarlett O’Hara said “Tomorrow is another day.”
stairsteppublishing 5 months ago
10:15 every day we had recess and milk and cookies. It was years before I did not have a craving for food at 10:15
Yakety Sax 5 months ago
Flip his ear!
Gizmo Cat 5 months ago
Yep, I’ve been on disability for about 3,5 years now and it still feels strange not to have to go to my job at the college I worked for in September.
Macushlalondra 5 months ago
There’s one you should break, Ben! But here in Canada we can’t practice that bad habit because our milk doesn’t come in cartons or jugs but bags. You put the bag in this plastic pitcher like container and snip off the corner. You have to pour it into a glass so you can’t drink it from the carton!
DM2860 5 months ago
Every time I get out of my car, I make sure that I am wearing my badge. Then I realize I am not going to the office
MuddyUSA Premium Member 5 months ago
Bad habits……
KEA 5 months ago
They are indeed. My life revolved around school and the school year for 56years and I’m still not over some of the habits I acquired in that time. (my nightmares mostly involve teaching classes I haven’t prepared for.)
Bruce1253 5 months ago
Ooo, yummy Ben, backwash.
Shikamoo Premium Member 5 months ago
Yech. Ben needs his own carton.
cuzinron47 5 months ago
Be careful Ben, you might get a ruler across the knuckles.
EMGULS79 5 months ago
Need to get into the habit of waiting until the wife’s not around before you do that, Ben!!!
olds_cool63 5 months ago
What a slob!
mafastore 5 months ago
When I was 8 years old I first started helping my dad during tax season. He had this brand new thing called a copying machine. The original was put into the top slot along with the special paper needed for the copy and it took a picture, using green light, of the document – copy paper came out still white. The copy paper was then put into the bottom slot and the copy went through the developing chemical. It came out wet and my job was to hang up each page to dry!
When I was 10 I started adding up client’s payroll books for day on an adding machine.
I am now in my 70s and I still work – EXTREMELY part time – in accounting. One of my clients is the daughter of the man who owned that business whose payroll I first started adding up those decades ago.
As long as I can do so, I will remain an accountant – it was part of my dad and it is part of me. I was actually disappointed today when bank statements for us and the two organizations I serve as treasurer came in and I did not have chance to do the reconciliations. As Scarlett O’Hara said “Tomorrow is another day.”