I’m wondering if part of the reason for his lack of self control is because he takes drugs to amp up for rallies and debates. That could also be part of why he holds so few events. At his age, drugs would take a toll.
One of the major points in my memory, growing up, is having my father explain to me how you CANNOT BE an adult if you lie and/or refuse to acknowledge your own actions – Donnie John is a mental Child in a “grown-up’s” body…
Trump answers questions at the Economic Club of New York today:
Q: What specific legislation will you commit to to make child care affordable?
Trump: Well, I would do that and we’re sitting down, you know, I was, somebody, we had Marco Rubio and my daughter, Ivanka, but I think when you talk about the kind of numbers that I’m talking about, that because the child care is, child care couldn’t, you know, there’s something, you have to have it, in this country, you have to have it, I want to stay with child care. So we’ll take care of it. Thank you.
Magats actually believe this is someone who should be president. Of the United States.
And they totally stand behind his policy statements, like this one.
It is nice to know that " Kat" would probably fall to “Fool’s Mate” in chess.
Putin endorsing Kamala is a very similar move, tRump is so desperate that he once again is seeking help from abroad. Interesting point though, Kamala has never met with the little dictator named Putin and especially has not done so in private sans notes of any kind…but guess who has—DonnieJohnnieWannie Be A Dictator.
Nice attempt at projection, it is all they ever have.
@*zxcar1* Your vain intellectual word salad rebuttal attempt to convey your disdain is without substance. However, you are correct in your analysis of me being an ol’ fart (i’m 94) and working under a hanging 40 watt light fixture. My vaulted ceiling is too lofty to accommodate a regular ceiling fixture. If the 40 watt lamp is not adequate, all I have to do is draw back the drapes on my bay window which allows for more light. And, then too, I can see down to the creek and watch the deer, birds and squirrels. Maybe a fox now and then. [I was _*"THAT RED FOX"* at one time] Anyway. Oh! By the way. I do not know this “this fools mate” game you speak of. Let’s get down and dirty and play a game of marbles. But, then … I have a suspicion you have lost all of yours (marbles) a long time ago.
kitty, thanks for proving me right again—diplomacy is not within your reach. And you really may want to look up the definition of “word salad” as I don’t think it means what you think it does—just like so many other words you attempt to use. And at 94, I guess suggesting you grow up—you know, mature, is pointless.
The dude from FL Premium Member 5 months ago
I am so waiting for the debate, disappointed Harris settled for mikes off. donnie could show off his intelligence, or lack of!
braindead Premium Member 5 months ago
I’m wondering if part of the reason for his lack of self control is because he takes drugs to amp up for rallies and debates. That could also be part of why he holds so few events. At his age, drugs would take a toll.
All speculation on my part, I’ll admit.
nosirrom 5 months ago
I’m not worried because I have it on good advice that after this election I won’t have to vote anymore. /s
ctolson 5 months ago
And four years of hearing the election was stolen, rigged, etc by DJT and his cronies.
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] 5 months ago
Trump brags that he doesn’t need intelligence briefings from the Biden administration.
what he needs is intelligence, period.
Isn’t it possible to officially disqualify him from foreign policy briefings? COnsidering briefing him is like briefing Putin?
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] 5 months ago
John Mc CAin’s daughter just announced she’s voting for Harris
wellis1947 Premium Member 5 months ago
One of the major points in my memory, growing up, is having my father explain to me how you CANNOT BE an adult if you lie and/or refuse to acknowledge your own actions – Donnie John is a mental Child in a “grown-up’s” body…
Walter Kocker 5 months ago
I’ve been thinking about Trump’s recent statement:
In a speech to the Economic Club of New York on Thursday,
Trump said, he "took care of our economy like I would take care of my own company.” – NBC NEWS
Does that mean we’ll have to go through 6 bankruptcies?
braindead Premium Member 5 months ago
From Jim Wright, Stonekettle Station:
Trump answers questions at the Economic Club of New York today:
Q: What specific legislation will you commit to to make child care affordable?
Trump: Well, I would do that and we’re sitting down, you know, I was, somebody, we had Marco Rubio and my daughter, Ivanka, but I think when you talk about the kind of numbers that I’m talking about, that because the child care is, child care couldn’t, you know, there’s something, you have to have it, in this country, you have to have it, I want to stay with child care. So we’ll take care of it. Thank you.
Magats actually believe this is someone who should be president. Of the United States.
And they totally stand behind his policy statements, like this one.
neatslob Premium Member 5 months ago
That means only about 2000 more text messages begging for money.
" Kat" Premium Member 5 months ago
THIS JUST IN! Comrade Putin endorses “Commiela” for President. Is that not just too nice!
zxcar1 5 months ago
It is nice to know that " Kat" would probably fall to “Fool’s Mate” in chess.
Putin endorsing Kamala is a very similar move, tRump is so desperate that he once again is seeking help from abroad. Interesting point though, Kamala has never met with the little dictator named Putin and especially has not done so in private sans notes of any kind…but guess who has—DonnieJohnnieWannie Be A Dictator.
Nice attempt at projection, it is all they ever have.
" Kat" Premium Member 5 months ago
@*zxcar1* Your vain intellectual word salad rebuttal attempt to convey your disdain is without substance. However, you are correct in your analysis of me being an ol’ fart (i’m 94) and working under a hanging 40 watt light fixture. My vaulted ceiling is too lofty to accommodate a regular ceiling fixture. If the 40 watt lamp is not adequate, all I have to do is draw back the drapes on my bay window which allows for more light. And, then too, I can see down to the creek and watch the deer, birds and squirrels. Maybe a fox now and then. [I was _*"THAT RED FOX"* at one time] Anyway. Oh! By the way. I do not know this “this fools mate” game you speak of. Let’s get down and dirty and play a game of marbles. But, then … I have a suspicion you have lost all of yours (marbles) a long time ago.
zxcar1 5 months ago
kitty, thanks for proving me right again—diplomacy is not within your reach. And you really may want to look up the definition of “word salad” as I don’t think it means what you think it does—just like so many other words you attempt to use. And at 94, I guess suggesting you grow up—you know, mature, is pointless.
zxcar1 5 months ago
I find it very amusing when an insulting snotwad tries to be cute—after the fact. Oh well, I tried to be an adult and it chose nonsense…again.