Prickly City by Scott Stantis for September 16, 2024

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    dotbup  6 months ago

    Why Does Trump’s Cult Keep Trying To Kill Him? And Will They Claim Self Defense?

    When you’re a cult leader, especially a fascist cult leader like Trump, the job comes with some pretty large risks. Just look at the number of times Hitler’s own team tried to kill him. Look at how Mussolini ended up. Look at Gaddafi or Saddam Hussein.

    But, I see the recent attempts by MAGA’d Trump voters to kill Donold to be more like Jonestown, or rather the alternate timeline version of Jonestown where one of his followers followed through on their discussions to stop the madness by killing Jim Jones. When you’re the leader of a gun crazed cult, it’s normally only ever going to end in one of several ways. Either the cult leader will kill everyone on their way down, some of the trapped cult members will revolt and kill the cult leader, or the entire cult will suicide by cop.

    In MAGA’s dog eat dog reality, you never know if the father will entirely devour his children or whether it’ll be vice versa. But you can probably put good money on one or the other.

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  2. Sunimage
    Sun  6 months ago

    Joe Biden’s inflation, Bidenflation

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    ctolson  6 months ago

    Not hard to believe it ran out of something to feed on since RFK Jr. endorsed DJT. Proof he has no brains.

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    ncorgbl  6 months ago

    RFK’s worm, bear and whale issues, Vance’s cat, women, and Haitian issues, tRump’s questionable assassination attempts to shout over those issues. Is this really what some people see as a vision for Americans?

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  5. Pine marten3
    martens  6 months ago

    Ya know, my first reaction on hearing about this attempt was to wonder if it was a set-up to hawk the Victim image that Trump loves so much. The only bullets fired were from the Secret Service.

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    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member 6 months ago

    So the moron who talked about “Second Amendment Solutions” if Hillary Clinton won is now whining other people’s “rhetoric” — none of which mention anything like a ""Second Amendment Solution." That tactic is straight from the Goebbels playbook so admired by Trumpers. Always blame others for what you said or did.

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