Prickly City by Scott Stantis for September 19, 2024

  1. Unnamed
    The dude from FL  Premium Member 5 months ago

    Just vote for Democracy not tyrancy. The dictator will do you no favors

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  2. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz  5 months ago

    While the original purpose of the Electoral College — to ensure that Northern states could not get rid of slavery and perpetuate the subjugation of African Americans — has been rendered moot by the 13th, 14th, 15th and 24th Amendments, the primary argument in defense of it is that it prevents the largest states from dominating the smaller states.

    But right now the smallest states — Wyoming, Montana, Vermont and Delaware — already have, in the present system, zero say in the outcome of presidential elections.

    Just eight medium-sized states — a small number of “swing” states, the “battleground” states that get all the attention and are bombarded by all the ads — dominate all the other forty-two states, regardless of size, large or small.

    And unlike in the eighteenth century when states were far more homogenous and distinct in their histories and cultures, today even the large states are not monolithic. There are conservative areas of California (far northern counties and inland and central valleys), New York (upstate and west) and Illinois (downstate) and there are liberal areas of Texas (Houston and Austin) or Florida (Miami-Dade) or even Mississippi and Alabama, in the “black belt” across the middle of those states.

    People in urban areas of red states have more in common with those in urban areas of blue states, and those in rural areas of blue states have more in common with those in rural areas of red states. In an age of mass media and high-tech, high-speed communication and transportation, common interests are shared more by interest than by geography.

    The original reasons for the Electoral College no longer exist, and the remaining arguments in its defense are no longer valid.

    Let every vote count and every vote be counted and weighted equally (right now voters in Wyoming and Montana are weighted almost four times the weight of a California voter, though none of them actually have a say in the final outcome).

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  3. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 5 months ago

    Make your state blue and it won’t be a battleground.

    I notice Stantis finally came up with a caricature for Harris. Pretty bland. And the skunk is back.


    Maybe he’ll do one of JD Vance, or whatever his name is. Don’t forget the mascara.

    Must be difficult to parody someone who proudly claims they will make up LIEs whenever it seems useful — and surprise, surprise, that’s all the time.

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  4. Missing large
    WestNYC Premium Member 5 months ago

    Vote for the Meerkat, or vote against the Skunk. . .

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  5. Yin yang
    Havel  5 months ago

    I do wonder about the efficacy of political ads. Being in WI, we are bombarded with ads, mostly inane and filled with scare tactics. On the radio, TV, computer, and worst of all, the ubiquitous mailers. The last one comes most every day. The same card Xs 3 voters. What a waste. Almost never creative. Does anyone actually look at these things and say, “oh, I guess I’m all wrong in my support for _______________; I think I’ll support ______________”?

    Well, I guess someone is making some $$$, but it sure seems the money could be used more productively.

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  6. Fencie icon
    fencie  5 months ago

    Looks like Kamala is portrayed as a laughing hyena. I’ll take that any day over the vile and dangerous alternative.

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  7. Lifi
    rossevrymn  5 months ago

    The latest DMZ just came out. Braindead, et al, if you listen to the last third, you will hear Stantis state, he will never vote for trumpsterweird, and wonders aloud about voting for the Libertarian, Oliver or Harris……………..Rall, who has a permanent soreA$$ for Dems, advises him to vote for Oliver.

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  8. 1djojn
    RobinHood  5 months ago

    The one on the left should be a chameleon

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  9. Missing large
    William Robbins Premium Member 5 months ago

    I’m kinda liking the meerkat…

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  10. Hat 2
    Paul D Premium Member 5 months ago

    What’s funny is that I’m seeing Harris ads before watching Bill O’Reilly on YouTube.

    Her people know what channels conservatives are watching, and run her ads there.

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  11. Odin
    Holden Awn  5 months ago

    Ah! Kamala as eager puppy. Perfect.

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  12. 1
    ncorgbl  5 months ago

    There shouldn’t be any in this election. Someone with a rape judgement and 34 felony convictions telling everyone that some minority is eating all the pets should not get a second look, let alone support, defense or a vote.

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  13. Img 20230721 103439220 hdr
    kaffekup   5 months ago

    Sorry, just not appreciating the “laughing hyena” trumpspew from Stantis. He could have done better.

    Maybe he can’t.

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  14. Sunimage
    Sun  5 months ago

    Putin will maintain ownership of Harris if Harris wins the 2024 election.

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  15. Sunimage
    Sun  5 months ago

    Vote Republican to remove every Deadbeat Democrat from office.

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