Working Daze by John Zakour and Scott Roberts for September 30, 2024

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    JRobinson Premium Member 4 months ago

    I suppose it’s better than picking rags, but a sweatshop’s still a sweatshop.

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    Kroykali  4 months ago

    You get a nicer cubicle.

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    zerotvus  4 months ago

    My Father-in-Law never finished 8th grade…When he passed away, he owned a multi-million dollar company. And was a multi- millionaire. He knew what 2+2 equaled….

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    just-ducky  4 months ago

    I have a master in computer science. When looking for people to hire in IT, formal education is basically the equivalent of a few years of experience. People formally educated are usually better about writing code that will run fast, while people with a few years of experience are usually better about figuring out why something isn’t worked correctly. Once someone has a lot of experience, it really hard to tell if they were formally educated or not.That being said, it is hard for someone with no experience to get a job in it, though it is a bit easier for someone with an education

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    EOCostello  4 months ago

    “It is a capital mistake,” opined Parsifal Hackenschmidt, “to underestimate the importance of recess in forming critical habits useful in later life. For myself, I regret trading away that 1969 Mickey Mantle Topps card.”

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    PoodleGroomer  4 months ago

    It is hard to justify a 6 year degree in something that changes in 4 years. In too many cases changing programming languages for features is like learning a foreign language for more meaningful swear words. Computer programming is as much a learned craft and trade as an educationally taught skill.

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  7. Captain smokeblower
    poppacapsmokeblower  4 months ago

    As I age people look younger. I’d swear that kid isn’t out of first grade yet.

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