Maria's Day by John Zakour and Scott Roberts for October 07, 2024

  1. A78c357b 8cfd 4ba7 a070 703b64309e2a
    Gizmo Cat  5 months ago

    Broccoli is only do-able with satay sauce on it.

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    Jefano Premium Member 5 months ago

    When I read strips involving broccoli or other cruciform vegetables, I think of myself as an open-minded person who doesn’t care for that sort of thing, but doesn’t mind that other people enjoy it. When I encounter broccoli in real life — having ordered a dish I usually enjoy, without realizing that in this case it has been prepared with broccoli — my good-natured tolerance vanishes. “What is wrong with you people? Why do think normal people should have to suffer from accommodating your abominable bad taste?” Seriously, foods that taste bad to anyone whose taste buds are actually able to register their awfulness should be sold in their own section of the grocery store, and their presence in any prepared dishes should be warned of in large letters: e.g., “Contains Brussels sprouts, an ingredient known to taste terrible to those who can actually taste it.” If you like such foods and think your kids might like them, by all means offer them the chance to find out for themselves whether they do like them. But if they say they can’t stand them, they aren’t being stubbornly naughty. They simply able to taste the bitter, bitter compounds to which your own taste buds are for some reason insensitive.

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