I went to get a new phone. I have a iPhone 15 and every time I turn around, it is calling some random number from my contacts. I don’t even need to be near it. I now have a $97 flip phone. It doesn’t have texting, just calling and it can’t do that, while closed. I am so happy. My wife, not so much. She says, how can she text to have me pick up the kids from school. I said, call.
A few weeks ago, I was staring at my so-called lawn when two young girls walked by, probably 10 years old or so. They were walking down opposite sides of the street, holding their phones. The one on my side of the street yelled, “No, you have to hold it to your ear to hear me! Try again!” Then she poked at her phone and said “Hello!” as her friend was listening intently to her own phone.
Hmmm, I thought, teaching her friend how to make phone calls on her phone. What a novel concept…
GROG Premium Member 3 months ago
Rory’s got to show off his new phone. Don’t you get sucked, Karl.
ʲᔆ 3 months ago
would Karl have an iPhrog?
ChessPirate 3 months ago
Silly Frog, clicks are for kids!
wildlandwaters 3 months ago
what is this “talk” you speak of??
wildlandwaters 3 months ago
“In the year 2525……”
serial232 3 months ago
I went to get a new phone. I have a iPhone 15 and every time I turn around, it is calling some random number from my contacts. I don’t even need to be near it. I now have a $97 flip phone. It doesn’t have texting, just calling and it can’t do that, while closed. I am so happy. My wife, not so much. She says, how can she text to have me pick up the kids from school. I said, call.
CleverHans Premium Member 3 months ago
A few weeks ago, I was staring at my so-called lawn when two young girls walked by, probably 10 years old or so. They were walking down opposite sides of the street, holding their phones. The one on my side of the street yelled, “No, you have to hold it to your ear to hear me! Try again!” Then she poked at her phone and said “Hello!” as her friend was listening intently to her own phone.
Hmmm, I thought, teaching her friend how to make phone calls on her phone. What a novel concept…
Donna S 3 months ago
Well Karl, this time the snort is on Rory!