Prickly City by Scott Stantis for November 05, 2024

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    Baarorso  4 months ago

    “People shouldn’t be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people” – V – V For Vendetta

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    RobinHood  4 months ago

    Remember, remember, the 5th of November,

    Gunpowder, treason and plot.

    I see no reason

    Why gunpowder treason

    Should ever be forgot

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    RobinHood  4 months ago


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    William Robbins Premium Member 4 months ago

    Jimmy Kimmel may be reading Dotbup in these comments… Late Night Addresses Your Election Eve Anxiety: “It feels like the whole country is waiting to get the results of a biopsy,” – Jimmy Kimmel

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    pixiekitten Premium Member 4 months ago

    For the love of god, just stuff Trump in the trash bin of history already (but we know the Republicans will just nominate him again in 2027….

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    SeanT Premium Member 4 months ago

    I heard an interview with Ann Selzer, the Iowa pollster who had Harris winning. She has a great reputation not simply because she has been accurate, but also because she is willing to release her results when they lie outside the mean. She had insightful observations about how the demographics of older voters have changed and accounted for Harris being ahead. I am cautiously optimistic. Of course the threat of violence (already starting with ballot boxes going up in flames) and the promise of contested results if Trump loses is frightening. We have three potential outcomes:1.) Trump wins legitimately and Harris concedes. There will be protests, but I don’t expect a high level of violence.2.) Harris wins a clear victory which stands up to the legal challenges, and the MAGAt’s (briefly) turn to violence. 3.) Harris wins, but a state legislature (I’m looking at you, Georgia) sends an “alternate” slate of electors to the Electoral College and the election is stolen for Trump. This is my greatest fear. If my worst nightmare happens, what will supporters of democracy going to do? Will we mope in the street like we did in 2016, or are we willing to start throwing our wooden shoes into the guts of the machinery?

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    dotbup  4 months ago

    The old GOP is dead and gone.

    The real RINOs are all of these pretend republicans today who have hijacked the former party where lies, fraud and immorality is not only tolerated but celebrated; lifted up a convicted felon to be candidate for the highest office in the nation. Someone who literally stole from a charity for children’s cancer and launched a failed coup.

    These saboteurs today are working to abandon our former allies who stood by our side and fought to defeat fascism to embrace our historic enemies who hate our country and way of life, dictators and fascists, elevating Vladimir Putin over our own national security advisors.

    This election is not just a choice between 2 candidates of opposing political parties. We are choosing between right and wrong, good and evil, freedom and fascism.

    Those are our choices on the ballot: Kamala Harris – a competent career prosecutor and trump – a twice impeached treasonous convicted felon still under federal indictment.

    But don’t kid yourself, no matter which way you ultimately decide to vote this year; the Republican party is NOT on the ballot.

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    bxclent  Premium Member 4 months ago

    i did my bit – now we wait

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    ctolson  4 months ago

    I hear some network is going to keep running campaign ads after to day. I thought there were laws against torture.

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    Christopher Shea  4 months ago

    Residents of Alaska, California, Colorado, Connecticut, DC, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Rhode Island, Utah, Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming can still register and vote today.

    And if you’re planning to vote late today, remember: if you’re already in line when the polling station closes, you are still entitled to vote.

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    eric_harris_76  2 months ago

    Why urge this?

    If someone has to be cajoled or shamed to vote, they’re probably not among the most informed, most involved, most thoughtful part of the electorate.

    But they are probably among the easiest to snooker, hoodwink, or con into voting badly.

    This is something reasonable Democrats and Republicans should agree on.

    (Except for the detail of which ones the unthinking gullible voters are, obviously. Nobody who votes for their candidates does it for dumb reasons. Right?)

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