Heart of the City by Steenz for November 19, 2024

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    codycab  4 months ago

    Up next: A flashback! Stay tooned!

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    snarkm  4 months ago

    Buckle up, kids! Grandma Charlotte is about to tell one heck of a story.

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    Decepticomic  4 months ago

    It sounds like a long story… (-_-)zzZz

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    SquidGamerGal  4 months ago

    Time for a story of the Big Easy!

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    Milady Meg  4 months ago

    I thought it was a dark and stormy night.

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    1JennyJenkins  4 months ago

    Yes, it is true, that no matter when and where: when we took our dog for a walk, or when we had new people over, the first question was about her age…

    BTW, our dogs were trained to always wait to be greeted and they never jumped at people which was another thing that surprised our new guests, as our family and relatives knew that our dogs were trained. For example, when we had people over, the dog would sit and wait to be greeted. The person said: “Hi Dolly.” and the dog would give them her paw and then she would go to her place by the fireplace. Some people were wary when then came over for the first time because they would have heard a bark or two from our dogs to let us know that someone was at the door even before they rang the bell. But the dog disarmed them right away because she didn’t jump at them. So we told the visitor about our routine and all was well.

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    Aladar30 Premium Member 4 months ago

    YES! A Dog Story for Christmas!

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    Brian  Premium Member 4 months ago

    We got our first dog when I was in second grade. She was a Samoyed or other Spitz-type breed. She came trotting down the street one day, came into the yard where we were, and was like, “Here I am.” My parents told me that she probably belonged to someone but no one ever reported a dog like that lost.

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