Herb and Jamaal by Stephen Bentley for December 15, 2024

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    Yakety Sax  3 days ago

    Mine won’t do that. It has a valve on the bottom of the drip cup. You do have to put the pot back each time, tho.

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    jmworacle  3 days ago

    Herb felt he had forgotten something.

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    Fklimko  3 days ago

    Been there, done that.

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    landyk  3 days ago

    I still have the old fashioned type that needs to be filled and turned on when desired. Early morning issue that has only happen once, so far. Put the grounds in the basket and went to fill the water. Turned on the pot and when to finish morning routine. When I returned to get a cuppa, I was shown that one needs to put the basket into the maker. I have a hard time laughing at my stupidity and I did not want tea at that time.

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    david_42  3 days ago

    That was an old trick on Navy submarines, get the trainee talking while you load the coffee maker, turn it on and hand them the pot. I just stuck it in the proper location and the guy training me looked disgusted. No mess for the trainee to clean up.

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    Skeptical Meg  3 days ago

    Get ready to wait.

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    Brent Rosenthal Premium Member 3 days ago

    Mine won’t brew without the carafe underneath but on occasion I’ve forgotten to lower the lid

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