FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for January 06, 2025

  1. Man with x ray glasses
    The Reader Premium Member 2 months ago

    I hope he is staying within the lines.

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  2. Earth sea temps
    Uncle Kenny  2 months ago

    One of my duties as a fifth grade teacher was to go over every answer sheet for the end of level tests and the standardized test. If a student had slopped out of the circle )which the scanner would read as a wrong or extra answer on the other side of the paper), I would erase the part outside of the circle. If the pencil wass too light, I was to darken it. If a student had two answers on the same question, I was to seek out the student and show them the question, then ask which of the two answers they meant, then erase the other one.

    All this had to be done in public, like in the media center with several teachers present, so that someone could monitor that I wasn’t changing any answers, just making sure that the answers would scan correctly.

    As to Peter’s practicing filling in little ovals, exercises in doing just that were done every day for sevral weeks before the tests.

    One of the reasons I decided to retire.

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  3. Squid icon
    SquidGamerGal  2 months ago

    Make sure you stay within the line and fill them in completely. Otherwise, it won’t be accepted!

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  4. Vietnam vet
    hk Premium Member 2 months ago

    Don’t worry, some NFL team or basketball team will hire you, even if you can’t spell or talk.

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  5. Vietnam vet
    hk Premium Member 2 months ago

    Or you could go to Jersey and become a teacher… no tests, don’t need math or English….

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  6. Mr airhead
    dsidney49  2 months ago

    While the concept of misplaced focus is humorous, there is actually an underlying moral to this strip: the Devil is in the details. While they may have sounded silly or inane, the instructions for properly filling in the ovals were necessary in order for the machinery (at the time) to function properly and successfully. “Attention to detail” was considered a life skill and impressed on us during Navy boot camp. Our company commanders had laid out explicit instructions for folding our underwear, along with some rock-solid rationale: How could we expect the Navy to trust us with millions of dollars worth of machinery and hardware if we can’t even follow simple steps to fold up our “scivvies”?

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  7. Greg backlit
    mindjob  2 months ago

    You get that practice every time you vote

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  8. 5df4563293db69e40d3fe46a285cbd06a4a2d92a
    Strawberry King  2 months ago

    Spelling his name with the dots, I’m sure.

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  9. Triscele
    txmystic  2 months ago

    When in doubt, guess “C”…

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