Tank McNamara by Bill Hinds for January 02, 2025

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    carlsonbob  2 months ago

    Use the goalposts of the AFL. Very narrow!

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    wallylm  2 months ago

    Think I mentioned this before, but funny thing is, in the NFL, if one team tries and misses a 58 1/2 yard field goal, that means the other team gets the ball at the spot of the kick at their opponent’s 41 1/2 yard line at which point, with the 7 yard snap and 10 yard end zone, they can immediately try a 58 1/2 yard field goal in the other direction on the next play.

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    Ravenswing  2 months ago

    (shrugs) What an amazing notion, players improve. Completion percentages that would get quarterbacks in the Pro Bowl 50 years ago get them benched now. Take the first post-merger season; John Brodie in 1970 was the consensus MVP with a 59.0 completion percentage, leading the league with 24 TD passes and 223 completions.

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    pcmndksu3  2 months ago

    The solution is simple. If there are too many field goals, narrow the goal posts by X feet.

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    Ellis97  2 months ago

    Amen, Tank.

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    tpcox928  2 months ago

    Three points for a field goal, minus one point for a miss? Hmmm.

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    3hourtour Premium Member 2 months ago

    …make it one point for hitting the goalpost whether the ball goes through them or not…

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    ksu71  2 months ago

    The game is called FOOTball. Why is there controversy over a player using his foot?

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    bobtoledo Premium Member 2 months ago

    Don’t change that rule. We’re still in shock from the “Fair Catch, Free Kick” rule, that almost everyone forgot for about 50 years, till last week…

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  2 months ago

    Philly Eagles once had David Akers, a field goal kicker who never missed under any circumstances.

    As for Shawon Barkley sitting out the final g ame because of “risk of injury”,that shouldn’t be a problem. No NY Giants player would get within 100 yards of him

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    mgillgannon Premium Member 2 months ago

    Yeah, too many games are decided by kickers with their one skill repertoire. Taking points away is an interesting idea. I would move the uprights closer together.

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    Teto85 Premium Member 2 months ago

    A very long time ago if a field goal missed the non-kicking team would get the ball at their 20 yard line. Montana State kicker, Jan Stenerud, would routinely hit 50+ yard attempts. The team had a crappy punter. Instead of punting the team would make field goal attempts, with all of the misses ending in the opponent having to start at their 20 yard line. One such attempt was from their 30 yard line. It was not long enough, but it was better than a punt in that the receiving team had to start at their 20.

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    Schaller Handmade Knives  2 months ago

    A 60-plus yard field goal should be a once in every ten years event. Yet we’ve had four this year, if I recall correctly.

    Possible solution: Do away with that overinflated, specialized kicking ball. Make them kick the same ball that is currently in the game. Ironically, the kicking ball was originally put in to keep kickers from doctoring it. Yet I understand they now allow kickers to “condition” the kicking balls, and furthermore several kickers have opined that the “K” balls are actually optimized for kicking.

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