For a while I lived in a shared house alongside a cat I thought of as the Buddha. He didn’t belong to anyone, and had lived there longer than any of the rent-paying tenants; apparently he wandered in one day as a young cat and decided to stay. We called him Duke (I doubt that’s what he called himself; it’s not like he would respond if you said it).
Duke was big (not fat) and placid; he could usually be found sitting on the sofa, awake but not particularly engaged in whatever was going on around him; he asked for nothing and offered nothing, enjoyed nothing and was bothered by nothing. Sometimes he’d disappear for days, then show up and resume his place on the sofa.
I don’t care for cats as a rule, but he fascinated me; if not the Buddha, he’d have made a good Sphinx. He was one of very few cats (OK, two*) that I considered preferable to no cats at all.
*The other, a little grey puff of smoke named Julia, was the opposite of Duke in every way; I thought of her as Blanche DuBois.
wfhite 24 days ago
Get the feeling the ranger wishes it was hunting season?
Pharmakeus Ubik 24 days ago
The short answer is “No.”
Jeffin Premium Member 24 days ago
Come back, come back, wherever you are!
sandpiper 24 days ago
Not enough aspirin in the world.
InTraining Premium Member 24 days ago
fritzoid Premium Member 24 days ago
For a while I lived in a shared house alongside a cat I thought of as the Buddha. He didn’t belong to anyone, and had lived there longer than any of the rent-paying tenants; apparently he wandered in one day as a young cat and decided to stay. We called him Duke (I doubt that’s what he called himself; it’s not like he would respond if you said it).
Duke was big (not fat) and placid; he could usually be found sitting on the sofa, awake but not particularly engaged in whatever was going on around him; he asked for nothing and offered nothing, enjoyed nothing and was bothered by nothing. Sometimes he’d disappear for days, then show up and resume his place on the sofa.
I don’t care for cats as a rule, but he fascinated me; if not the Buddha, he’d have made a good Sphinx. He was one of very few cats (OK, two*) that I considered preferable to no cats at all.
*The other, a little grey puff of smoke named Julia, was the opposite of Duke in every way; I thought of her as Blanche DuBois.
MeGoNow Premium Member 24 days ago
Actually, if not perverted by human misuse, being not corrupted like humans by nasty consciousness, they’re perfect Buddha’s. Great masters.
oakie9531 24 days ago
no, they’re CATholics
sincavage05 24 days ago
If Buddhists have nine lives, does that mean their cats?