La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for January 07, 2025

  1. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz  about 1 month ago

    Trump and his henchmen, Steve Miller and deportation heavy Tom Homan, have promised mass deportations of those from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras.

    The plan so far is to simply dump them across the border into Mexico. The new Mexican president has said that she will not accept deportees who are not Mexican.

    The president of Honduras reminded Trump that her country allows the U.S. to use land WITHOUT CHARGE to host a U.S. strategic military base in Honduras, which is strategically positioned right in the center of Central America. If the U.S. acts in a hostile manner towards Honduras or mistreats Honduran nationals, she has threatened to close the base and evict all American personnel.

    And that doesn’t even begin to cover the prospect of responding to Trump’s other big, bullying threat of punitive tariffs against other nations with retaliatory tariffs of their own that would drive up the consumer prices that Trump promised to bring down.

    The “Ugly Americans” think they can just bully everyone else in the world. The U.S. may have a lot of weight to throw around, but other countries also have leverage of their own, and it is not wise to expend so much energy trying to turn allies into enemies.

    Or is that what Putin is ordering his puppet to do?

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    sevaar777  about 1 month ago

    In my experience, dogs behave more humanely than the MAGA/Christianity/Conservative cults.

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    Walter Kocker  about 1 month ago

    I didn’t even know AMTRAK had cattle cars . . .

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    Space_cat  about 1 month ago

    Drama is thy name!

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    akachman Premium Member about 1 month ago

    The losers who voted this sphincter boy back into office own this crap.

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    carlosrivers  about 1 month ago

    Why are people complaining about what Trump is going to do about deportation? We all voted for this, especially Hispanic males!

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    Perkycat  about 1 month ago

    I like kitties, too…….Homans, not so much!

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    Walter Kocker  about 1 month ago

    “In Springfield, they’re eating the dogs.”

    “They’re eating the cats.”

    “They’re eating the pets, of the people that live there.”

    “No, they didn’t”

    “But . . . I saw it on television.”

    Does this brilliant visionary ever READ?

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    mistercatworks  about 1 month ago

    We used to be a compassionate country. We understood that people who made long journeys from other countries to escape repression and death would make well-motivated and industrious contributions to our country. Now immigrants, even legal ones, are becoming political fodder for people who have run out of answers.

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    olds_cool63  about 1 month ago

    Man! Dumbold Chump is going to destroy the world with his stupidity, racism and Nazi-ism. Nuff said.

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