I woke up this morning on the left side of my bed, lying on my right side. I opened my eyes and saw my dog’s nose a few inches from mine. Her eyes were open and she was awake. She was under the covers with just her head on the other pillow. I do recall her wanting to go under the covers last night. Usually she just lies against my ankle or knee. I didn’t move at all, so she must have been waiting for me to wake up and take her outside. I did.
Egrayjames 3 days ago
And if LDL is like most dogs he’ll roll in it first.
sarahbowl1 Premium Member 3 days ago
Dogs are that way!
Moonkey Premium Member 3 days ago
I woke up this morning on the left side of my bed, lying on my right side. I opened my eyes and saw my dog’s nose a few inches from mine. Her eyes were open and she was awake. She was under the covers with just her head on the other pillow. I do recall her wanting to go under the covers last night. Usually she just lies against my ankle or knee. I didn’t move at all, so she must have been waiting for me to wake up and take her outside. I did.
Moonkey Premium Member 3 days ago
Things like bread probably don’t wash too well.