Ginger Meggs by Jason Chatfield for January 22, 2025

  1. Missing large
    Calvinist1966  2 months ago

    So I guess that Ginger is NOT going to eat his sandwich.

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  2. Img 5203
    rockyridge1977  2 months ago

    Sometimes fresh food for the food bank, does not work………mite try one per day!!!!

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  3. Bead braid p
    I Mad Am I  2 months ago

    In my area we have organizations who give out food to the needy.

    It sounds good. Reads well too. But too many people change the wording to Food To The Greedy. They have plenty and money to support themselves. But they just feel they have to have that extra food source that would be taking away from others. That and… some people will donate stuff from their pantry that is At or Beyond expiration date. Like – instead of sending it to trash… it goes to the organization. Or the organization does not know (or care) that the food will be stale or unhealthy. At times I think the organizations will store stuff… and not care if it goes beyond and off.

    I had a relative who would watch over her family. When she would see someone in trouble – she would make them one of her own Food Boxes. Stuff from her own pantry. She would walk it over and lecture the family-individual to take better care. Sometimes she would lecture that they need to get rid of the boyfriend-girlfriend who gambled, drank, drug, or overspent. That taking care of themself was more important. She was a rock… of the family.

    That is what I have been trying to mimic. Helping out where I see the need. But it is really hard when they don’t say, Thanks. But I will still try. I encourage others to do the same – try to help. It might be mittens, or a blanket, or a jar of peanut butter. If your family, friends, or a neighbor looks like they are struggling… try.

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  4. Mr. connolly
    gcarlson  2 months ago

    We only have two standards in our house, but my wife’s isn’t an option for me.

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