I remember reading once that it was instinct from the wild. They were making their beds.
lie down, dang it!!!
I read that it’s their inner GPS system that tells them which direction to lay their heads, sorta like them finding their way home from 1000 miles.
“Lay vs Lie?” Bedder duble-chck yur grammer, becuse yur speling is usuly fine.
Dana Summers
April 03, 2015
a sage about 1 month ago
I remember reading once that it was instinct from the wild. They were making their beds.
RuthTC Premium Member about 1 month ago
lie down, dang it!!!
sk2915kaiso about 1 month ago
I read that it’s their inner GPS system that tells them which direction to lay their heads, sorta like them finding their way home from 1000 miles.
jwel Premium Member about 1 month ago
“Lay vs Lie?” Bedder duble-chck yur grammer, becuse yur speling is usuly fine.