Dogs of C-Kennel by Mick & Mason Mastroianni for January 22, 2025

  1. Img 1939
    Zykoic  2 months ago

    Every morning my dog is curled up in my wife’s lap. First thing in the morning I pet her and give her thorough belly rubs.

    I mean the dog, naughty boys.

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  2. Dscf0051
    sarahbowl1 Premium Member 2 months ago

    Apparently, my dog and I are ‘addicted’ to each other, lol!

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  3. House of lynmund updated
    Emily the Church Pianist  2 months ago

    So there’s this whole “Background” social media movement – not a gigantic one, I’m glad to say, and mostly relegated to the darkest depths of YouTube where you have to search for it in a roundabout way – about “the future being pet free” that argues scientifically that pet ownership is just an addiction to keep us from interacting with each other as humans because we use animals as an easier “crutch”. They use scientific documents to point out any and all ‘dangers’ associated with animaI ownership, including apparently some studies linking pet ownership and alcohol addiction as concurrent “avoidance of reality” tactics. Basically the whole argument is animal ownership isn’t just dangerous (supposedly "You can never 100% be sure any animal is safe, and if you have an affectionate pet is is just doing behaviors it learned to get food out of you) but is a ’coward’s way out’ of social interaction. I personally disagree because as a socially awkward person, the thing I can use to start a conversation easiest is if the other person has a pet. Also there are many couples married today who met when they were both walking dogs or something. Also this movement is started by those who are either vegan, admittedly have dog or cat-phobia and/or dog or cat allergies, or are grossed out by the ‘germiness’ of animals. Some even argue that if a barking dog causes insomnia it should be culled as a community health hazard. It’s really overdone and almost silly.

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  4. Red skelton
    Daltongang Premium Member 2 months ago

    Just wait, now the tRumpublicans will want to declare Oxytocin a national security hazard.

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    rockyridge1977  2 months ago

    Make a good “bumper sticker”!!!!!

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  6. Stinker
    cuzinron47  2 months ago

    Is that FDA approved.

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    feefers_  2 months ago

    No pets? Stuff that

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    Commediacrit  2 months ago

    Blame Stephen King. His stories made common everyday things menacing to those who didn’t know they were fiction.

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    mikendi  2 months ago

    Sounds like facebook everyday

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