For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for March 17, 2025

  1. Pilgrim
    Newenglandah  about 8 hours ago

    Becky seems to have a mom who is teaching her consideration and manners. I wonder how it happened that she turned into such a nasty girl and snobbish when she got to high school.

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  2. Americauna chicks 1 week 003
    howtheduck  about 8 hours ago

    Interesting things going on here:

    1. They have two pieces of cake. Why are they getting to choose who gets which piece of cake? Wouldn’t the parent just hand each of them cake and avoid this whole argument?

    2. April is not even trying to negotiate. She just grabs the cake she wants and shoves it in her mouth Patterson style with lots of crumbs flying about and with giant gobs of chocolate about her mouth as if she could not hit the mouth hole.

    3. When Becky’s mom comes to lecture them about friendship, Becky says, “We know.” and April says nothing. Becky acknowledges her friendship, while April does not.

    4. Becky’s mom walks away from the problem without solving it and throws a comment that the kids will not understand over her shoulder Patterson style

    5. How will Becky’s mom’s comment be received? April knows sibling fighting to be huge, physical battles between Michael and Elizabeth. She will not consider eating a piece of cake first to be like that. Becky does not have any siblings.

    The joke is that friends are not sisters and sisters are not friends. My sisters and I would disagree with that.

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    lnrokr55  about 7 hours ago

    ooo! truth ! ;-)

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  4. Hobo
    MeGoNow Premium Member about 7 hours ago

    There’s a simple solution for this sort of thing. One cuts the pieces, and the other gets first pick.

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  5. Kay 053021
    kaycstamper  about 5 hours ago

    When my daughter went from middle school to JSH she had a birthday, invited all her friends, it was at a park, they didn’t show up. Changed her friends.

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  about 5 hours ago


    Man complains to another man that there were two pieces of cake and the friend grabbed the biggest piece

    SECOND MAN—Well,what would you have done?

    FIRST MAN—I’d have taken t he little piece.

    SECOND MAN—Well,you GOT It! So what are you complaining about?

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    dustoffer  about 5 hours ago


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  8. Fbofw elly screaming faces
    French Persons' Savvy Selection of Screaming Elly Premium Member about 3 hours ago

    Translation: “When are these Patterson’s getting home so I can boot their crappy kid out of my house??”

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    happyinvenice23  about 2 hours ago


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    happyinvenice23  about 2 hours ago


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    a sage  38 minutes ago

    One cuts the cake, the other gets first pick.

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    HodgeElmwood  10 minutes ago

    Can confirm.

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