Heart of the City by Steenz for February 11, 2025

  1. Beb avatar
    beb01  about 10 hours ago

    No wonder people never get any work done at work. They’re too busy answering emails asking why they aren’t doing their work.

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    baraktorvan  about 8 hours ago

    Sigh. She has nothing on my email. When I left at 4:45 p.m. (45 minutes later than expected) I still had 110 emails in my inbox and 15 instant messages. Tomorrow I will spend half the day just answering them or reading them.

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  3. Pilgrim
    Newenglandah  about 2 hours ago

    Once I mentioned to an acquaintance that I had turned on my computer after getting to my desk early, gone down to the cafeteria to get some coffee while my computer booted up, then spent the morning answering emails. His response? “Don’t you ever get to work?”

    He worked as a housepainter. A respectable occupation, but he clearly did not understand office work.

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    Decepticomic  about 1 hour ago

    At some point, an office job becomes nothing more than an exercise in checking and following up on emails. And it still pays more than a teacher, wtf.

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  5. Donbot
    del_grande Premium Member 12 minutes ago

    Time Off Request Denied? Who’s going to explain this to Heart? Oh, wait…

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