Francis by Patrick J. Marrin for February 17, 2025

  1. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member 4 days ago

    It’s lovely, but it’s a rerun from the 13th.

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  2. P1000380
    A# 466  4 days ago

    A symbol is more of a suggestion of a reality, rather than a reality. That’s the difference between a symbol and a sign. Thus a “STOP” sign is a symbol — it has no intrinsic power to stop a vehicle. Whereas a sign embodies a reality and its power. Thus a sacrament, such as the Eucharist in some Christian denominations, is a sign. In it the consecrated host and wine retain their outward appearances, but they are transformed. Each one of these elements embodies the real presence and “sanctifying power” of Christ. Other denominations consider the “consecrated” host and wine (or grape juice) to be symbols of the “Lord’s Supper.”

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  3. Lifi
    rossevrymn  4 days ago

    Ahhhhhh, the Holy Spirit, given one sentence in the Gloria, and heeded in a very cafeteria Catholic way by the RC Church.

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  4. Breaking cat news
    prairiedogdance Premium Member 4 days ago

    Quietly sending good thoughts and mentally lighting a candle for Pope Francis as he has been admitted to the hospital with a complex lung infection.

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