In fact, “Dr. Strangelove” was on just this past weekend. Considering cartoon lead times, obviously just coincidence.
Speaking of thermonuclear war, the U.S. was going to dismantle its last remaining 9-megaton warheads but decided to keep them in the stockpile because there are still some underground targets we can’t reach any other way. You listening, Iran?
(Amazing the stuff you can find on the Internet these days that once would have gotten someone shot for treason.)
pschearer wrote:
(Amazing the stuff you can find on the Internet these days that once would have gotten someone shot for treason.)
Imagine what we DONT KNOW, that isnt on the web. Just as well - keep the enemies guessing.
I can’t believe it! Two Dr. Strangeglove references in the same month. Pearls Before Swine just did this not too long ago. this must be the “fallout” strip.
margueritem about 16 years ago
Shades of ‘Dr. Strangelove’!
R.Khalife about 16 years ago
ive always wanted to ride one of those!! lio gets all the fun!!
ejcapulet about 16 years ago
Someone has been watching the movie channel too much.
pschearer Premium Member about 16 years ago
In fact, “Dr. Strangelove” was on just this past weekend. Considering cartoon lead times, obviously just coincidence.
Speaking of thermonuclear war, the U.S. was going to dismantle its last remaining 9-megaton warheads but decided to keep them in the stockpile because there are still some underground targets we can’t reach any other way. You listening, Iran?
(Amazing the stuff you can find on the Internet these days that once would have gotten someone shot for treason.)
Simon_Jester about 16 years ago
LOL…he even remembered to add the grafitti from the movie, “Hi there”
kfaatz925 about 16 years ago
Poor Dad - finally, something he thought he understood!
James7344 about 16 years ago
It’s OK, Dad. Look - no detonator!
Liowatcher about 16 years ago
pschearer wrote: (Amazing the stuff you can find on the Internet these days that once would have gotten someone shot for treason.) Imagine what we DONT KNOW, that isnt on the web. Just as well - keep the enemies guessing.
Subtorp401 about 16 years ago
I can’t believe it! Two Dr. Strangeglove references in the same month. Pearls Before Swine just did this not too long ago. this must be the “fallout” strip.
John Glynn creator about 16 years ago
“Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here, this is the war room!”
lilcrazy117 about 16 years ago
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
jestrfyl about 16 years ago
What a Wonderful World!
hlagallah over 14 years ago
For a moment, I thought Lio was turning normal : (
Ernest Lemmingway about 14 years ago
Lio? Normal!? HERESY!!!
I hope Lio has programmed where he wants that thing to land. Or it’ll be “A Shot in the Dark.” (needless Peter Sellers reference)