Prickly City by Scott Stantis for March 22, 2025

  1. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 1 day ago

    This cartoon never would be done a year ago.

    Of course, neither Stantis nor the ghost cartoonist would ever admit why.


    And everyone else knows why.

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  2. 1djojn
    RobinHood  1 day ago


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    Muzi54  1 day ago

    They are obviously smart enough to have nothing to do with us.

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    TwilightFaze  1 day ago

    I’ve always been of the opinion that while there is unquestionably life on other planets, WE’RE the most advanced. Probability would suggest otherwise, but who’s to say we’re not?

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    dotbup  1 day ago

    “Judge Temporarily Blocks DOGE from Social Security Data, Calls It a ‘Fishing Expedition’

    “The DOGE Team is essentially engaged in a fishing expedition at SSA, in search of a fraud epidemic, based on little more than suspicion,” Hollander said, in her court order. “It has launched a search for the proverbial needle in the haystack, without any concrete knowledge that the needle is actually in the haystack.”

    They’re not looking for a needle. They want to steal the haystack.

    maga morons voted to hurt POC, women and immigrants w/the added benefit of “owning the libs”. They will be rewarded w/the elimination of SS and Medicare, a 201k that was once a 401k, a broken country and no longer “owning their house”.

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    William Robbins Premium Member about 24 hours ago

    Maybe my calling in life is to be a Readers Digest for Krugman
. Good interview this weekend with a guy who straddles the worlds of econ and ai, Erik Brynjolfsson. A large part of the backlash against expertise and progress has been due to technology doing the jobs that working people used to have. Progressives need to hammer home that the reds have prevented the benefits being shared with those affected. That effect will soon start to apply to knowledge workers as well. It will be clearer that we’re in the same boat. Whether Fox will manage to keep them enthralled and defeat humanity remains to be seen.

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    ctolson  about 24 hours ago

    Couple more townhall meeting where teh reprsentatives got an earfull. But it is quite obvious they aren’t listening to their constutents as there’s been no attemp to rein in NEPOTUS Musk or DJT. It’s just rubber stamping as always. Hageman takes the cake with her comment about the people being obsessed with the government! Hear no eveil, see no evil, hear no evil is a very distructive course to take.

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  8. Yin yang
    Havel  about 23 hours ago

    The Universe does not care. I think that too many humans do not care to consider that reality.

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  9. Louis2
    PoodleGroomer  about 22 hours ago

    When that Tesla gets to Mars, where is the closest charging station?

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    mousefumanchu Premium Member about 21 hours ago

    When aliens fly past the Earth, they lock their doors.

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    Font Lady Premium Member about 18 hours ago

    Well, we know the aliens aren’t going to be stopping here to top off their gas tanks.


    Is gas under $2/gal yet like Trump promised he would do before the election? This question has nothing to do with Biden and only with the actual words that Trump said when Trump made the promise.

    It’s a yes or no question. I have to explain the type of question it is because some people don’t understand the word YET. And the only answer that is required to a yes or no question is “Yes” or “No.” And if you say “Yes” then say the city and state in the U.S. where it’s under $2/gal or else your answer is a resounding “No.”

    Let’s see who actually knows how to read. We already have ample proof of just who can’t.

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    MartinPerry1  about 16 hours ago

    George Carlin did a bit about this a while ago.

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