La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for March 20, 2025

  1. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz  about 22 hours ago

    Elon Musk is not coming directly for the Social Security and Medicare benefits workers have earned (based on earnings from which we have contributed over a lifetime of our careers) and to which we are entitled (hence the original meaning of the word “entitlements” — something to which we are ENTITLED because we earned them and they are ours before reality-reversed conservatives tried to twist it into meaning some kind of handout, you know, like corporate welfare or bazillionaires getting away with paying little or no taxes). They’re coming for it, but just not outright. Just not directly.

    Medicaid? SSI? They might go after those directly, but not Social Security and Medicare themselves.

    What they will do is make the earned benefits harder to actually claim.

    Cut back phone access. Slash the number of workers answering those phones.

    Require more in-office visits for any elderly or disabled people in order to begin claims, change direct deposit information or other transactions if they are not computer savvy, and then close many of the number of offices especially in remote areas that are most difficult to access.

    And then have the nerve to say it is in the name of “efficiency” when the Social Security Administration total overhead rate is 1%, less than any other government agency or even anything in the private sector, especially compared with for-profit insurance companies that run overhead rates averaging 16%.

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  2. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  about 22 hours ago

    Back in the old days we would have called King Musk “an idiot savant.” Now we know better. He and his Clearisil brigade are “autistic savants”, and trust to algorithms created by people nearly as incompetent, childish, backward, and primitive as THEY are. None of whom would deserve a security clearance if we didn’t have a Traitor in Chief…..

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  3. Coyote
    eromlig  about 22 hours ago

    I’ve said before how entertaining it is to listen to out-of-power liberals bloviate and hyperventilate about the horrors they’re being subjected to. Really, people — BOTH parties have been opining for decades about the government’s fraud and abuse, but when someone actually starts DOING something about it…my, oh my…

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    Space_cat  about 18 hours ago

    Elon is such a lowlife sneak thief, I would wager he would steal those too if he felt you didn’t deserve them. What a disgusting piece of crap he is!

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    drivingfuriously Premium Member about 15 hours ago

    I wonder if the two skeletons are still collecting social security?

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  6. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  about 13 hours ago

    As for the imbecile troll, any conservative worthy of the name is against the incredibly incompetent (and dishonest) activities of the Musk Rats.

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    salmon43  about 12 hours ago

    Everything that DOGE is doing is a smokescreen to cover up the real plot, which is to destroy our democracy and replace it with a technocracy, a dictatorship supported by the oligarchs of Big Tech. Check it out I’m not the only one who has discovered that Elon’s maternal grandfather, Joshua N. Haldeman was involved with Technocracy Inc. of Canada. And no, I’m not a nutjob. That would be Elon and DJT.

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    ncorgbl  about 11 hours ago

    ‘Take your gun and the cannoli…’

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    joeallendoty57 Premium Member about 10 hours ago

    Because of Trump’s anti DEI stand, Famous Veterans who are not European white are being removed from Government web pages. Some of them a Medal of Honor recipients.

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