La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for March 26, 2025

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    joeallendoty57 Premium Member 6 days ago

    Ernesto is either watching FOX NEWS or NEWSMAX.

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    Kurtass  5 days ago

    The trump administration are tesla shills. Where is the Hatch Act?

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    airbrushingsunshine  5 days ago

    No one in the Senate, Congress or the courts will uphold the Hatch Act. Welcome to modern day Nazi Germany style.

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    Dapperdan61  Premium Member 5 days ago

    It’s never been the Tesla but the man who owns it. Since people can’t touch Elon and the contempt they have of him they go after his brand to essentially kill it. If I were him I’d definitely sell Tesla now or it will become a relic of the past very soon. There are other electric cars people can buy if they want to get away from gas powered vehicles. I’d also like him to sell X and have someone change the name back to Twitter. What is it with the letter X anyway ?

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    ncorgbl  5 days ago

    Is anyone surprised that tRump turned the White House front lawn into a used car lot?

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    Milady Meg  5 days ago

    Dave Barry, in his Year in Review for 2019: Elon Musk released the cybertruck. Musk said, “the best thing about the truck is, if you’re sitting in it, you can’t see it.”.

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    Godfreydaniel  5 days ago

    Clay Jones pointed out in a recent blog that far-right whacko editorial cartoonists were against electric cars (even teslas) for YEARS before suddenly becoming in favor of teslas. Wonder why………..

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    chuckcork1  2 days ago

    The Misinformation Channel, or as it prefers to be called ‘Fox News’.

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