The Other Coast by Adrian Raeside for March 23, 2025

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    lopaka  6 days ago

    the squirrel is going down head first very quickly which is correct, and that drives cats nuts. And it goes up head first very qickly which is correct, and that drives dogs nuts.

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    VictoryRider  5 days ago

    It’s pretty fun watching them try to pilfer each other’s stashes. The mad chases on ground and through trees can get pretty entertaining.

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    NRHAWK Premium Member 5 days ago

    I read once that squirrels can’t remember where they’ve hidden most of their seasonal acorn stash so it’s possible, he’s just looking in the wrong place.

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    Gent  5 days ago

    Steenky squirrels always stealing theeng from other steenky squirrels.

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    lemonbaskt  5 days ago

    steenky squirrels like stealing birdfood too

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    assrdood  5 days ago

    Serves you right after all the seeds you pilfered from my bird feeder. Karma!

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    ladykat Premium Member 5 days ago

    Sorry, Squirrel, I think your nuts are permanently lost!

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    gregcomn  5 days ago

    Adrian’s squirrel faces always remind me of Bucky Beaver in the Ipana toothpaste ads in the ‘50s. “Brusha brusha brusha, with the new Ipana, it’s better for you rteeeth.”

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    lopaka  5 days ago

    I used to hand feed an old squirrel. It would wait in a tree next to my parking spot for me to come home and then follow me in to my apartment and wait in the kitchen while I dug out a hand full of peanuts then it would run out the door. I would sit on the walk and it would jump into my lap and chow down. It would always bury a few for safe keeping. What was funny was when it finished covering the nut up, it would pat the loose dirt down to make a firm cover.

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    bluecat  4 days ago

    Pawn shop?

    Or roadside “produce” stand

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